Than to process a belly-button of the newborn?

The infant toilet requires special care for the navel of the newborn for at least two to three weeks. Treatment of the umbilical wound is carried out until it ceases from the suppository or serous discharge and crusts disappear. With improper care poorly healing tissue of the navel is a hotbed of infection and a factor contributing to the entry into the children's body of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

How to take care of the baby's umbilicus?

With a normal course of healing of the umbilical wound, it is treated once a day after bathing the baby. Before handling, you should thoroughly wash your hands and pat the navel with a sterile napkin. For lubrication, it is recommended to use disposable cotton swabs, rollers, sticks or napkins. Due to the flow of active processes of tissue regeneration, it is by no means possible to remove the crusts themselves! It is important to keep the baby's navels clean and more often to unfold the baby so that the tender skins heal better in the air.

Than to process a belly-button of the newborn?

The question of how to smear a newborn's navel is very important for young mothers. It should be noted that the arsenal of means for caring for the umbilical wound is quite significant and includes both traditional drugs and newly developed ones. The most famous traditional agents are potassium permanganate (manganese), alcohol solution and 3% hydrogen peroxide.

How to treat the navel with a newborn manganese?

Potassium permanganate has a drying effect. For the treatment of the navel in newborns, a 2-5% solution of potassium permanganate is used. A diluted solution (it should be a saturated pink color) is desirable to pass through a folded in several layers of gauze. This is done to ensure that undissolved potassium permanganate crystals do not reach a painful place. A ready solution of potassium permanganate can be stored for no more than 10 days.

3% solution of hydrogen peroxide is digested into the umbilical fossa with a pipette, and the cotton swab moistens the cotton swab, it carefully lubricates the umbilical ring. Currently, pediatricians do not recommend using zelenok, as it, in their opinion, creates an unnecessary film that interferes with the rapid healing of the wound.

How to treat a baby's navel with chlorophyllipt?

For the treatment of the navel of the newborn in recent years, 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt is increasingly used. This is a natural preparation containing in the extract from the leaves of eucalyptus and having significant activity against staphylococcal infection. Valuable quality of chlorophyllipt is its soft effect on the delicate skin of the baby: it does not burn, does not overdry.

How to treat baneocin?

Antibiotic baneocin is available as an ointment and powder by the Austrian pharmaceutical concern. The substances contained in the drug, neomycin and bacitracin, effectively destroy microorganisms that live in the wound surfaces, which contributes to the rapid healing of the inflammatory processes of the skin. To process the umbilical ring, it is sprinkled with powdered baneocin powder 2 times a day, after washing the wound with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and drying. If the umbilical wound becomes wet or fester, then the treatment is carried out up to 5 times a day. Without fear, the drug can be used for a week.

Timely cauterization of the navel of the newborn will protect the baby from complications with health. It is important for parents to remember that complications in the healing of the umbilical wound are fraught with unpleasant consequences, so if there are difficulties with the regeneration of the umbilical ring tissues, especially if the navel is festering, it is necessary to immediately contact the pediatrician.