Tapestry for climbing plants

There are many ways to decorate your site, make it unique and stylish. One of the tricks is the installation of trellis for climbing plants. They not only help to grow these very plants, but also become an openwork and very delicate ornament of the garden.

Varieties of arches and trellis for climbing plants

Tapestry, in fact, is a lattice construction, serving as a vertical support for plants such as grapes, wicker roses, clematis and other loaches.

You can make trellises from different materials - wood, metal, plastic. However, most often for climbing plants use wooden trellises - designs from narrow wooden shelves or bars. The strength of the frame of the product should be directly proportional to the mass of plants that will trail along the trellis.

The most durable metal, including forged, trellises for climbing plants. They stand the considerable weight of large bushes of grapes , raspberries and other plants. Incredibly beautiful, openwork, with decorative ornaments and drawings, such trellises are a real decoration of the infield.

The design data and forms differ. So, it can be a rectangular trellis-grid or a round trellis-sail for climbing plants. And the one and the other kind is a good support, perfectly coping with their functions.

Garden constructions from trellises

Using trellises, you can hide an ugly wall or arrange a shady corner near the bench. And you can build a beautiful roof in the gazebo, if you arrange it horizontally. With the help of several interconnected tapestries, you can even build a whole arbor.

Or you can create an arch and a whole arched corridor, using a trellis system, installed appropriately. For example, it can be a delightful decoration and simultaneous shading along the way from the gate to the porch of the house.

And how tempting is the patio created from the trellis - a place for rest, protected by trellises on three sides. Here you can hide from prying eyes, surrounded by beautiful wicker plants.

If the trellis looks like a stand-alone structure, you need to take care of its extra strength to resist the wind. This trellis is important to fix on any support. For example, the rod can play the role of a support, deeply rooted in the ground.