How to make a manicure at home?

Interestingly, women with perfect manicure are frequent visitors to beauty salons or do they just know how to make a good manicure at home? At all, probably, there were similar questions at appearance of the next lady with well-groomed fingernails or nails. The most interesting thing is that a home manicure can not be inferior to a salon, with proper training, naturally. And in order to learn how to perform this procedure perfectly, it's not at all necessary to attend courses or become a happy owner of the book "How to Make a Beautiful Manicure at Home", it's enough to find time and start doing the manicure itself.

We do manicure at home

Everyone knows that there are two types of manicure available for home nail treatment. This is an edged and unedged manicure. Both kinds have their supporters, which one to use to choose you. The main thing to remember is that when switching from an edging to a chemical manicure, the first results may not be the best, you need 2-3 procedures to make the nails look good. So, how to make a beautiful manicure at home? We acquire time, move to a well-lit room, lay out all the necessary tools and proceed to the ritual.

  1. We clean our nails from the old varnish.
  2. We prepare a bath for hands. It will require warm water and a little liquid soap (shower gel). You can also add decoctions of herbs or lemon juice to the water, to strengthen the nails.
  3. If we do uncircumcised manicure, then we put on the cuticle a special remedy for its removal.
  4. We immerse our hands in warm water and hold for 5 minutes.
  5. We dry our hands with a napkin. If we do uncircumcised manicure, it is better to extract the finger from the water behind the finger - processed the little finger, removed the unnamed from the bath, etc.
  6. We remove the cuticle and process the nail rollers. With a chemical manicure we will need a special wand, with a cutter - scissors or nippers. We do not forget that only keratinized cells need to be removed, and therefore fanaticism in the fight against "excess" skin is inappropriate. If the skin is cut too deep, then the cuticle will grow very quickly, and you can damage the nail bed, which will lead to deformation of the nails.
  7. Lubricate the hands with cream, on the cuticle you can apply a special oil to soften it.
  8. We look at the shape of the nails and correct what we do not like. At the same time, the nails need to be filed in one direction - from the edges to the center, otherwise the nails will separate. Also, do not cut the nails too much from the edges, this makes them brittle. And one more important rule, we process the nail file only when they are dry. Wet nails on the nail file react inadequately, they can begin to separate. And of course, it's better to leave metal files in the past.
  9. Having nailed the desired shape, polish them (of course the side of the file, which is designed to polish the nail).
  10. We prepare nails for applying varnish. We pass on the nails with a cotton disc moistened in a liquid to remove the varnish.
  11. We apply 2 layers of fixative to the nails. You can sometimes neglect this point, but not often. Since nail varnish is not useful, and the fixer will help protect them from harmful effects, and the varnish will hold better.
  12. Apply a layer of varnish and let it dry thoroughly. Agree, it is much better to wait an extra 10 minutes, rather than start all over again. After drying the first coat of varnish, we apply the following. The second layer, we hide the flaws made at the first application, and make the color more saturated. To avoid wasting too much time to dry, we make sure that the layers are thin. This coating will dry quickly, and it will last a long time.
  13. After completely drying the varnish, we put a protective coating on the nails. To prolong the life of a manicure, such a coating can be used daily.

And the final stage (after drying the protective coating) - we apply, lightly massaging, on the hands and nails nourishing cream. Perhaps the first time the desired result will not be achieved, but with the acquisition of the necessary skills, you will succeed. And already you will tell your friends and acquaintances: "What salon, girls, do a manicure at home!".