Mucus in the urine of a child

Even if the child pleases you with excellent health, periodically he must take urine and blood for analysis. Clinical analysis of urine in the first year of life should necessarily be made before the vaccination. It is not difficult to collect urine for analysis, it is not painful for a child, and it will help to make sure before the vaccination that the baby is all right, or in time to notice the beginning illness.

After passing the urine to the analysis and having received the result, a rare mother does not try to decipher it herself. Among the many indicators in the eye rushes in the column "slime" - an increased amount. What does the presence of mucus mean in the analysis of urine in a child?

To be frightened it is not necessary, after all even at absolutely healthy child presence of an insignificant quantity of mucus in urine is normal. Mucus is secreted by superficial cells of the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract, ideally its quantity in the urine is so slight that it is not found in laboratory studies.

The causes of the appearance of mucus in the urine of a child

A large amount of mucus in the urine of a child suggests that:

1. Urine for analysis was collected incorrectly. When submitting re-analysis, you must strictly follow the following rules:

2. The boy does not fully open the head of the penis - phimosis. In this case, mucus from the fold under the foreskin can not be completely removed during hygienic procedures. This problem will help to solve the child's surgeon.

3. In the urino-genital system of the child, the inflammatory process is actively developing. A large amount of mucus in the urine says most often about the presence of inflammation in the external genitalia or urethra, but it can also be a manifestation of kidney disease (pyelonephritis, nephropathy) and bladder (cystitis). In these cases it is necessary to conduct additional examinations with specialists of nephrologists and urologists, pass urine tests for Nechiporenko, according to Zimnitsky, take swabs from the genital tract, urinate bacusses to determine which microorganisms caused inflammation.

4. In the urine, the amount of salts is increased. Their increased content contributes to formation of kidney stones and bladder. But do not be scared, usually their amount directly depends on the diet and the amount of liquid drunk.

The mucus in the urine of a child should not be frightened with the rest of the normal indices and no complaints of well-being. The reason, most likely, lies precisely in the non-observance of the rules for collecting and transporting the urine collected for analysis. But if the child is sluggish at the same time, he has a fever, he complains of unpleasant sensations when urinating and notes pain in the lower back or abdomen - it's not worth hesitating with a doctor's visit, probably a large amount of mucus in the urine arose due to diseases of the genitourinary sphere.