Products for increasing lactation

Breastfeeding is a laborious process, which is often accompanied by the emergence of many questions. In particular, some young mothers who breastfeed their baby are worried that they are malnourished and are looking for different ways to increase the amount and fat content of their milk.

In fact, to ensure the optimal composition of this valuable and nutritious liquid, it is enough just to eat properly and include in your diet certain products to increase lactation of milk. In this article we will tell you about them.

Products for lactation in nursing mothers

There are quite a few products for increasing lactation in nursing mothers. Meanwhile, it is worth noting that, despite the correctness of the diet, it is very important to put the baby to the breast every 2-3 hours, including at night. Only in this way a woman will be able to provide sufficient concentration of the hormone prolactin in her blood, which, undoubtedly, will positively affect the amount of milk in the breast.

As for nutrition, the nursing mother must include in her daily menu the following types of foods:

In addition, to increase lactation it is very useful to use hot soups and broths, as well as cereals from buckwheat, oatmeal or rice cereals. However, from the latter, if the baby is addicted to constipation, it is worth refusing. Increase the amount and fat content of milk and carrots, radish, table salad, as well as various nuts, including cedar, walnuts, cashews, almonds and hazelnuts. Finally, broccoli cabbage is also famous for its miraculous properties for increasing lactation .