Radiculitis - symptoms

Radiculitis is a condition in which the nerve roots in the intervertebral openings become inflamed. This ailment always manifests itself suddenly, without obvious presuppositions. Many people who have never experienced this can not even imagine what it is. And at one point, under absolutely normal circumstances, for example, cleaning in the house, they bend over, and they can not straighten themselves back because of acute pain in the lower back.

Causes of radiculitis

According to statistics, every eighth inhabitant on the planet is sick with this disease. And if earlier radiculitis was a problem for people who are already far beyond forty, today this trouble is increasingly found among representatives of the younger generation. The emergence of this state can be provoked:

Pain due to radiculitis occurs due to the fact that the nerve endings that move away from our spinal cord located in the spine become inflamed or damaged.

Symptoms of the disease

Common symptoms of sciatica are:

Very often the first signs of sciatica in the lumbosacral flow of this disease are aching, in most cases, acute pain in the lumbar region. The pain in this case will increase during any physical exertion or changes in external circumstances, for example, hypothermia.

When moving to the radicular stage of radiculitis, the pain in the back will intensify, change the character, move to the buttock area, rising upwards from the outer side of the thigh and lower leg. This form of the disease is accompanied by a decrease in sensitivity in the affected areas.

In some cases, the pathology formed in the roots passes to the sciatic nerve, and then the signs of radiculitis will not only appear in the lower back pain, but also along the sciatic nerve. Painful sensations in this case are intensified when a person tries to move from a horizontal position to a sitting position without bending the legs.

With thoracic radiculitis, pain sensations are also spontaneous, which are localized throughout the patient's chest. Signs of cervical radiculitis is a sharp spontaneous pain when turning or tilting the head in front of or to the side. In addition to pain, the patient may be disturbed:

Treatment of sciatica

Very often, people who are tired of suffering from radiculitis, turn for help to traditional medicine. Because this disease can be a companion a person for many years or even a lifetime, there is no point in talking about medication.

There are several people's councils that will help both to relieve pain with radiculitis, and to get rid of its other manifestations. Among these are particularly effective:

A proven effective remedy for sciatica is long considered a cooked garlic compress, which is applied to diseased areas.