How to bake apples in the oven with sugar?

Along with charlottes and casseroles, the number of delicious desserts can be replenished with baked apples. If the fruits do not have natural sweetness, then you can compensate for this by adding a sweetener. About how to bake apples in the oven with sugar, we will tell in the following recipes.

Apples baked in the oven with sugar - recipe

For baking, it is better to choose rather dense, not too sugary or ripe apples. Also, before baking, make sure that the fruits do not show signs of mechanical damage.

In this recipe, we use brown sugar, which has a more pronounced caramel flavor, but you can replace it with ordinary white.



Before baking begins, you have to cope with the most difficult stage of cooking - cleaning apples from the core. To clean the core, you can equip with a special knife for apples or a kitchen knife of the smallest size. If you choose the latter option, the excess pulp can also be easily picked up with a spoon.

After preparing apples, combine sugar with cinnamon, chopped nuts and dried cranberries. Spread the mixture in the resulting cavities and place the apples on a baking sheet. On top of the filling in apples, put a piece of butter. Pour into the fruit form with water and send everything to the oven for 40 minutes at 190 degrees. Baked apples in the oven with sugar can be served immediately after the preparation itself or with a bowl of ice cream.

The recipe for baked apples in the oven with sugar

Apples directly from the oven can be a pleasant, healthy and hearty breakfast, which can be prepared in the evening and put in the oven on waking. In order to prevent the feeling of hunger from lasting as long as possible, we use a mixture of oatmeal and sugar as a filler in apples.



Remove the core from the apples, trying not to damage the bottom and the flesh that adheres to the skin. Mix oat flakes with spices, sugar and melted butter. Fill cavities in apples with oatmeal and place the apples on a baking tray. In the tray itself, pour in water, so that the apples are baked at the expense of steam and do not burn to the bottom of the dishes.

Cook a treat at 190 degrees for about half an hour.

Apples in the oven with sugar can be varied by adding flavorings like vanilla or rum, citrus peel, chocolate paste or peanut butter to the filling.

Recipe for apples with sugar slices in the oven

If you do not have the desire and time to tinker with the long extraction of the core of apples, try cutting the fruit into slices. This dish can become a pleasant self-delicacy or topping for ice cream and morning porridge.



Divide the apples into slices of medium thickness and remove the seeds from each. Mix the apples together with the usual and vanilla sugar (or a couple drops of vanilla essence), then sprinkle all the cinnamon and leave to bake in a preheated oven for 180 degrees for 15 minutes. The cooking time can depend on the type of apples and their density.