Gingivitis in children - causes and treatment of all types of disease

Such a disease as gingivitis in children and adults requires a timely call to specialists to avoid complications. Inflammatory processes that damage the gum and are accompanied by pain and bleeding require immediate and effective therapy.

Gingivitis in children - causes

To know how to resist the disease, you need to know about its causes. Inflammation of the gum causes is different and many mistakenly believe that the blame for everything only non-compliance with oral hygiene. This is a fundamental factor, but there may be other causes, among which there are several contributing to the emergence of inflammatory processes:

If we consider factors that reduce the protection of gums from toxins and mediators that produce plaque, then this is:

Gingivitis in children - symptoms

Gingivitis gum disease, whose species we will consider below, has a symptomatology, depending on the variety of the disease and its form. The main symptoms common to all forms are:

Catarrhal gingivitis in children

This form of the disease very often falls on the period of dentition or dairy changes to permanent units. The second most common cause is inflammation of the gums in the child due to the presence of an infectious disease. Another possible cause may be an exacerbation of existing dental pathologies. Gingivitis in children of this form is accompanied by the presence of such symptoms:

Ulcerative gingivitis in children

This form of the disease is the next stage after catarrhal. The condition noticeably worsens due to a decrease in immunity. Most often this is due to the flu, stomatitis, etc. As one of the factors reducing the protective forces, you can also consider the child's hypothermia. Ulcerative necrotic gingivitis in children occurs very rarely and mainly occurs in patients aged 17-30 years. This form of ulcerative gingivitis is accompanied by the necrosis of the gum tissue and the formation of ulcers.

The main symptoms of ulcerative gingivitis:

Hypertrophic gingivitis

Like other forms of the disease, hypertrophic gingivitis in children occurs with complaints of itching and soreness, especially during chewing food. This form in children is chronic and divided into two types: edematous gingivitis and fibrous. When examined at the dentist, there is such a symptomatology:

Atrophic gingivitis

Another form of the disease is atrophic gingivitis, the symptoms of which are reduced to insignificant inflammations, but accompanied by dystrophic changes of the gum margin and subsequently exposure of the neck of the tooth. More often the reason why gingivitis (atrophic) occurs in children is the inadequacy of the use of orthodontic treatment methods, errors leading to abnormal attachment of the bridles, and in the presence of powerful tendons of the vestibule of the mouth.

Gingivitis in children treatment

The question of how to treat gingivitis in children is quite natural, because not everything that is suitable for an adult is appropriate and safe to apply for the treatment of an immature pediatric organism. If gingivitis is found in children, treatment at home is acceptable, but after consulting a doctor, receiving all prescriptions and clearly following the prescribed course of therapy.

Ointment for gums from inflammation

In the therapeutic complex of gingivitis treatment, various ointments are often included. It is not always easy to understand the effectiveness of this or that option, so it's useful to know about the most effective ointments and gels for removing inflammation of the gums.

  1. Asepta. Reduces swelling, tenderness and bleeding. Use for children only after consulting a specialist.
  2. Solcoseryl. Suitable for treatment even in the event that gingivitis is detected in a one-year-old child. That is, you can use this drug from infancy. Metronidazole.
  3. Metrogil Denta. Gel successfully fights against microbes due to the content of chlorhexidine and metronidazole in it. Children are only allowed to use funds from the age of six.
  4. The kamistad. This option is used for children marked Baby.
  5. Holisal. Until the age of one year, use with caution and only as directed by the doctor.

What to rinse your mouth with gum disease?

Chronic or acute gingivitis in children is accompanied by unpleasant and painful sensations, so rinses are often included in therapeutic measures. Apply such methods with the use of antiseptic or use folk recipes for herbal infusions and decoctions. Among the antiseptics for rinsing, the most effective are:

  1. Miramistin. This drug contributes to the elimination of inflammatory processes, the healing and control of pathogens. A 0.01% solution is used, rinsing is performed three times a day.
  2. Chlorhexidine. Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. An aqueous solution of 5-10 grams is used.
  3. Furacil. The solution of this drug has a harmful effect on most bacteria. Furacilin has astringent properties, which contributes to the acceleration of healing. Apply the tablet form. The tablet of the drug is diluted in a glass of warm water and rinses the mouth before and after each meal.

Among the traditional medicine can be identified:

  1. Decoction of chamomile, marigold and yarrow. For 1 tbsp. A spoonful of raw material is poured into 400 ml of boiling water and insisted in a thermos. After an hour, the broth is ready for rinsing, which is carried out three times a day, pre-cooled to a warm state.
  2. Sage tea. Two tablespoons pour a glass of water, boil, let them brew. Rinse the mouth twice a day.
  3. Infusion of bark of oak and celandine. Mix both components in equal parts, highlight 4 tbsp. spoon and pour two glasses of hot water. Rinse three times a day.

Preparations for the treatment of gingivitis in children

Many people are interested in the question, do antibiotics prescribe for inflammation of the gums? The answer is affirmative, but not in all cases, but only if the temperature is raised with gingivitis in a child, with gum abscess and ulcerative necrotic form of the disease. Antibiotic in each case should be selected exclusively by a doctor, because self-treatment with antibiotic drugs can be not only ineffective, but also unsafe.

As for the drugs used to treat gingivitis in children, mainly the indications of therapy for this disease, with the exception of cases where antibiotics are needed, is reduced to local therapy:

  1. Removal of plaque.
  2. The use of ointments, which we described above.
  3. Rinses with the help of antiseptic and herbal infusions and decoctions, recipes of which we have already considered.

Prevention of gingivitis

Viral gingivitis in children, and especially gingivitis in young children, whose treatment is complicated because of age, is better preventable than then treated, so information about the basic preventive measures will be very useful to know how to avoid the appearance of this non-arc.

  1. When the appearance of the first teeth is very important to teach the child the proper care of the oral cavity and make it his habit. It is important that the child learns the need to brush his teeth in the morning and in the evening.
  2. An important point is the correct choice of toothpaste and brush. So, kids should not buy pasta with fluoride content, but prefer options with the content of herbs or aminofluoride. The brush should be selected with a soft bristle to avoid injury to the gums.
  3. It is important and timely visit to the dentist, which is recommended twice a year, even if nothing disturbs. Many parents turn to a doctor only when problems have already appeared, and this is not correct and irresponsible.
  4. To exclude the excessive use of sweet it is necessary to avoid a pernicious influence on a tooth enamel. Pampering children with sweets and other sweets is not useful from all sides, so it is better to teach your child to eat sweets in small amounts and only after eating.
  5. In addition to the restriction of simple carbohydrates, it is important to correctly compile a child's diet , including fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, meat, milk and sour-milk products.