Why does the parrot pluck its feathers?

Many parrot owners face such problems as self-plucking their own feathers. The reasons why a parrot plucks its feathers, maybe a few.

The reasons for self-plucking parrots

One of the reasons why a parrot, in particular a wavy one , plucks feathers, may be improper feeding. Adoring his pet, the owners often spoil his "tasty" from his table. This can lead to a disruption of metabolism and, as a result, the appearance of itching, which the bird tries to heal by plucking feathers and combing it with the beak of the skin. In addition, exclude from the diet sunflower seeds. For domestic parrots, unable to move much, these seeds, because of their fat content, are also a possible cause of plucking feathers. The next reason is parasites (fungus, mites, downy-noses). They can be eliminated with the help of specific drugs prescribed by the veterinarian. Often parrots pluck feathers only in a certain place, for example, under the wings. Here, if the above causes are excluded, the problem may be in the inflammation of the feather follicles.

Sometimes the reason for plucking the feathers of a parrot, can be banal stress or content in low-comfort conditions. For example, Corellia parrots can pluck feathers due to content in close cells. A wavy parrot, by nature being very sociable birds, badly tolerate loneliness and lack of attention to their person. This not only causes them stress, manifested, including in plucking feathers, but can even lead to the death of a bird. What to do in cases of plucking a parrot of feathers? The best way is to contact a veterinarian specializing in the treatment of birds. If the reason for self-plucking in any disease , he will recommend a certain treatment. Otherwise