Why does the face sweat?

Sweating - this is a completely natural physiological process, during which the removal of toxins and toxins. But there are deviations from the norm. Such phenomena are called hyperhidrosis. And when the sweat is pouring hail, the first thing that excites a person is why the face sweats so terribly.

Why do you sweat heavily in the summer?

If a person sweats in the heat, the question "why it happens" does not arise from anyone. And even more so, and no one has any idea that this physiological process is abnormal.

Find out why a person sweats heavily in the summer, a little digression into the anatomy of the human body will help. When the temperature of the external environment increases, the skin cover automatically switches the "toggle switch" to the cooling mode. As a result, the surface of the skin is an aqueous solution containing organic substances and salts. In the course of this, thermoregulation is carried out.

A similar pattern is observed after intense exercise or other physical activity. This situation is normal, and no additional intervention is required.

Why the person sweats very much - additional reasons

There are a number of external factors that increase sweating. Among them the most common are these:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. In most cases, hyperhidrosis occurs during puberty, as well as in adults who are diagnosed with the ailments of the endocrine system.
  2. Problems with excess weight. Usually, in full people, hyperhidrosis is observed in all parts of the body (that is, not only the face). The way out is weight loss .
  3. Certain pharmaceutical preparations. In adverse events, some medicines prescribed increased sweating. Therefore, replacing a medicine can stabilize the situation.
  4. Hereditary predisposition. This case, perhaps, is the only one that does not lend itself to complete cure. You can only disguise the process temporarily, but you can not be cured.
  5. Food. There are a number of products that provoke excessive sweating. This can be attributed fatty, sour and sharp. In addition, extreme temperatures (take at least ice-cold ice cream and hot coffee) also contribute to increasing sweating. The situation is aggravated by bad habits, and in particular, by the abuse of alcohol.

Similarly, to determine the reasons why a person sweats heavily, the detailed diagnosis will help. By results of such inspection it will be possible to judge the true reason of a hyperhidrosis .