Why dream of being pregnant?

Pregnancy is a happy event in the life of every woman, when another person lives inside her. What can tell a dream in which you saw yourself in this situation, try to figure it out.

Why dream of being pregnant?

If such a dream is seen by a young girl, then there is a period ahead in which it is better not to start a new relationship, and also at that time people around you may not understand. An adult woman's dream promises insignificant cares that will be imposed by close friends and relatives. Still it can be the prevention of occurrence of problems with health which will be connected with problems of digestion, kidneys and a liver. If a girl often dreams that she is pregnant, then in real life it will be surrounded by gossip and various conversations behind her.

For pregnant women of the fairer sex, such a dream can be an expression of fear of childbirth and anxiety for the health of the child. If a woman who does not give birth to a child has a dream in which she feels the child is being pushed in the stomach, this is a sign that soon attractive prospects and new opportunities for realization will open up before her.

If a woman dreams that she is pregnant with a boy - this is a good sign that promises advancement on the career ladder, increasing earnings and improving the financial situation in general. The dream in which you are pregnant with a girl is a sign of considerable difficulties in reality.

Why does the belly of a pregnant woman dream?

Stroking your belly in a dream is a symbol of change for the better, and if you feel like a child is being pushed, then life will be calm without any problems. You have seen how the stomach is constantly increasing in size, which means that in the near future you will find success in work and any endeavors. The abdomen of a pregnant woman is a stabilization of the financial situation, but for this you will have to work hard. The big belly of a pregnant stranger is a sign of possible, health problems in the near future.

What does a pregnant woman dream about, what did she give birth to?

Most often this dream has a direct connection with inner experiences. Also, sleep can be a harbinger of light births in real life. The interpreter offers another interpretation - if the birth was successful, then in the near future you will be unsure of your actions, but the fears will be in vain. If the birth took place with difficulties, it is recommended in the near future not to start any cases, because the outcome will be unsuccessful.