After sterilization the cat has a lump on the belly

If you have an affectionate fluffy kitty in your house, then you should be prepared for the fact that a little time will pass and the animal will begin to show its natural instincts. And then you are waiting for sleepless nights with loud meowing. Your pet will become disobedient, may refuse to eat and drink. The cat will always ask to go outside and if she still manages to escape, after a while she will bring you her offspring: the kittens, who will have to give to someone. To avoid all these problems, there is a completely humane way - sterilization of the cat .

This surgery in most cases is without complications. However, sometimes after sterilization a cat may have a lump on the abdomen.

The cat has a lump on the stomach - what is it?

Such bumps on the stomach under the seam, which appeared in the cat after sterilization , can sometimes be a postoperative hernia. In this case, the seams diverge, the internal organ, most often the intestinal loop or omentum, protrudes, and a lump is formed on the surface of the abdomen. A distinctive feature of the hernia is that such a bump will be soft to the touch and easily disappears even with a slight pressure. This postoperative complication requires the obligatory consultation of a specialist, since it is possible to infringe a hernia. And if such a bump disturbs a cat, then a re-operation is necessary to eliminate the bump on the stomach.

Sometimes, bumps may occur in the seam area because of the healing features of this particular animal's tissue. This phenomenon - postoperative edema or proliferation of granulation tissue. In this case, it is not a pathology, and such cones disappear about a month after the operation.

If there is no inflammation at the site of the bulge, the cause of its appearance can be a rapid resorption of the suture material, that is, with the incompletely healed suture, the thread disappears and a lump is formed in this place. Perhaps the cat after the operation behaved very restlessly, and this caused the appearance of a lump on the abdomen. In addition, such a postoperative complication can arise as a result of a violation of the technique of suturing a veterinarian.

To prevent the appearance of cones after the sterilization operation, it is necessary to carefully follow the recommendations of the veterinarian for the care of the cat. In the first few days, you have to limit the mobility of your pet and not allow it to be hypothermic. The postoperative cape should not be removed before the permitted period. In extreme cases, you can put on a cat a special collar, which will prevent suture spillage.