Folic acid for men

About the great role of folic acid in planning pregnancy in women know everything, there is a lot of information on the sites on the Internet. But how much folic acid is useful for men who want to know the joy of paternity is not known to many.

What does folic acid do?

Folic acid is otherwise called vitamin B9, and it plays an important role both in the body of a woman and in the body of a man. So, let's look at the benefits of folic acid:

With a deficiency of folic acid, the number of defective spermatozoa (absence of a head or tail, an enlarged or reduced set of chromosomes) increases, which leads to the impossibility of conception or the birth of children with gene anomalies. It is proved that if you take vitamins with folic acid, then the quality of sperm is greatly improved.

Why should men drink folic acid?

With a lack of folic acid in the body can develop atherosclerosis of the vessels and megaloblastic anemia. Atherosclerosis develops as a result of the disruption of the exchange of sulfur-containing amino acids, which leads to the development of a dangerous substance - homocysteine, which contributes to the destruction of blood vessels. And according to statistics, men suffer more often from strokes and heart attacks than women.

The second disease is megaloblastic anemia, in which the bone marrow produces large, not mature erythrocytes, which leads to progressive anemia, which can lead to death.

From the side of the reproductive system it is proved that the lack of folic acid in the body of a man can lead to the development of defective spermatozoa that are not capable of fertilization. Therefore, folic acid for the sperm of a man who is preparing to conceive is simply necessary.

The one who owns this information will not ask "Does folic acid need men?"

How to take folic acid for men?

The main source of folic acid is the microflora of the intestine, so if problems with the intestine can occur, its deficiency. It is best to get the missing folic acid from food. In large quantities, it is found in greenery (from "folium" - leaf) and green vegetables: spinach leaves, green onions, asparagus, carrots, pumpkins, avocados, etc. When heat treated, it can collapse. The level of folic acid in the blood serum can decrease with the intake of certain medications (biseptol, oral contraceptives, aspirin).

Folic acid for men - dosage

The normal level of folic acid in the blood serum is 3-17 ng / ml. The daily norm of folic acid is 400 mcg. Preparations of folic acid are released in tablets and capsules of 1 and 5 mg, 50 or 100 tablets per package. Preventive dosage of folic acid for men is 1 mg 1 time per day (1 tablet), the maximum therapeutic dosage can reach 5 mg per day.

When planning pregnancy or long-term unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child, you need to turn to a specialist who appoints an appropriately collected anamnesis and sends it for analysis to confirm or disprove the deficiency of folic acid. Having drunk preparations of folic acid, you can have a real opportunity to conceive a healthy child.