Increased free testosterone in women

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that ensures the fertility and fullness of a man. This hormone is produced in small doses and the ovaries of a woman. Excess of its norm indicates a defect in the activity of the sexual organs of a woman.

High testosterone

When increased free testosterone in women , it is easy to identify with the naked eye. At such girls:

But, nevertheless, to establish that free testosterone is elevated, no blood test is taken by any doctor. For different weight categories, there are norms of testosterone. For women of reproductive age, the amount is 0.29-3.18 ng / l.

Free testosterone is above the norm also because of the genetic predisposition of a woman, heredity and nationality.


If a woman has free testosterone elevated, then treatment should be immediate. First of all, you need to go to a gynecologist and take a blood test for testosterone. The doctor prescribes medicines individually. You can also drink biological supplements that reduce the level of testosterone, they can be bought without prescribing a doctor. It is necessary to limit the intake of food, which contains magnesium and zinc, since they promote the increase in free testosterone.

High free testosterone in women is treated not very difficult. First of all, you should reconsider your daily diet, excluding coffee and alcohol from it. Other harmful products that cause an increase in free testosterone in women are eggs, oysters, garlic, almonds, beans, red dry wine.

When a woman has free testosterone high - it is not a verdict at all, but a signal from the body about the hormonal balance that has been disturbed.