Pain when urinating in women

Pain with urination can not only cause a lot of discomfort, but also be a symptom of a serious illness. By the nature of such pain, one can roughly assume that it caused and, depending on it, undergo the necessary examination to confirm or deny the diagnosis. Let's see what the reason may be hiding.

A little anatomy

Before you start to analyze, you need to imagine what organs can give such a symptom. Because of the features of the genitourinary system, weaker sex is more prone to infections in this area. For example, diseases such as urinary incontinence, cystalgia, polyps, urogenital fistulas, paraurethral cysts, etc. among doctors secretly considered female diseases, because men almost do not occur. The fact that the woman's bladder has an oval shape and is located horizontally, much lower than that of men. The urethra, respectively, is shorter, but slightly wider than the male, which reduces the pathway of infection to the bladder.

Also, an important role in the propensity of women to this kind of disease is played by frequent hormonal changes.

Causes of pain with urination

Painful symptoms with urination can be different: for example, it is of great importance whether there is a background pain in the lower abdomen, when there is pain - at the beginning or end of the process, and also what character it has.

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen with urination. The most common cause is acute cystitis, especially if along with the pulling pain in the lower abdomen combined frequent urination and pain at the end of urination. If along with this there are impurities of blood, then this indicates an extremely acute manifestation of cystitis, which must be urgently treated.
  2. Pain in the beginning of urination. This symptom indicates that there was inflammation of the urethra. Most likely, it was caused by bacteria that penetrated the body due to poor hygiene and impaired immunity. A common cause of inflammation of the urethra is the general hypothermia of the body.
  3. Low back pain, frequent urination. This symptom is characteristic of cystitis and urolithiasis. The fact that the inflammatory process can "give" in the lower back, and it will seem that the kidney is hurting. If the pain in the lower back is strongly pronounced, then, most likely, the cause of urolithiasis. In addition to pain when urinating, the temperature rises, which can reach high limits and threaten the life of the patient.
  4. Cutting and pain when urinating. Burning and pain during urination, accompanied by a cut, speak of the infectious origin of the disease. These symptoms can be with many diseases, ranging from relatively light to severe, which are difficult to treat:

Fortunately, many diseases from this list are quite rare, and they arise with unprotected intercourse with the carrier of bacteria (which allows them to be excluded in the absence of such contacts), and such as cystitis, ICD and urethritis are treated relatively easily and the prognosis is favorable with timely treatment.

Pain when urinating - treatment

Depending on the nature of pain and survey data, a specific diagnosis is determined. Treatment is prescribed depending on it, but many diseases, one of the symptoms of which is pain when urinating, are treated with antibiotics and immune-correcting drugs.

Cystitis. This disease occurs more often after hypothermia and is accompanied by inflammation of the bladder. To remove the symptoms, shows bed rest and a plentiful drink. If the disease does not recede, antibiotics are prescribed, to which the bacteria that cause inflammation are susceptible. Also used are anti-inflammatory drugs, and those that adjust the microflora of the vagina.

Urethritis. An effective way of treating urethritis (and at the same time preventing cystitis) is a local antibiotic treatment. Antibiotics and antibiotics are administered to the urethra using a catheter.

Urolithiasis disease. It requires long-term treatment, which is aimed at establishing metabolism: it is required to follow a diet with a small number of oxalates and a plentiful drink.