What to take with menopause?

It is often enough that the symptoms associated with menopause bring a lot of inconvenience to the fairer sex. Reduce the quality of life, work capacity and overall well-being. Against the background of a decrease in the level of estrogen, there may be health problems, and hormonal restructuring is also reflected on the exterior. After all, although menopause is a natural process in the body, but it gives a lot of problems:

And this is not the whole list of characteristic symptomatology of the climacterium period. Accordingly, the question arises, what should be taken with menopause, in order to reduce the negative manifestations of age-related changes.

What to take with menopause?

Naturally, in choosing a drug that is better to take with menopause, you can not do without consulting a doctor. However, the whole spectrum of possible medicines can be divided:

hormone replacement therapy (has a number of side effects and contraindications);

So, consider in more detail the drugs from the list that recommend taking with menopause.

The first on the list is hormone replacement therapy. It is based on the intake of drugs, in a formulation that includes only estrogen or estrogen with progesterone. It is most often used in critical situations, since it has a sufficient number of side effects. In cases where it is supposed that it is necessary to take hormonal drugs in menopause, a full medical examination and appointment of a doctor are mandatory. Since this treatment has a whole list of contraindications (cardiovascular diseases, cancerous tumors, liver and bile duct problems, bleeding of unknown origin).

Recently, non-hormonal and homeopathic medicines are often preferred. They are based on phytoestrogen - a natural substitute for the female sex hormone estrogen, plant origin. Scientists are still investigating the effect of this phytohormone on the female body and at this stage no side effects have been identified. Phytopreparations remove the manifestation of climacteric symptoms, affecting the body on the principle of hormonal therapy, but avoiding side effects. Accordingly, if the question is, what is better to take with menopause, many lean toward dietary supplements and homeopathy.

What vitamins to take with menopause?

With a modern rhythm of life with an unbalanced diet, lack of adequate rest and sleep, the question of which vitamins to take, should stand not only with menopause, but also long before it begins. And since in the menopause period a woman should treat her body very carefully, first of all, the diet should include:


When eliminating the symptoms of menopause, one should pay tribute to folk medicine, many of which recipes help get rid of various ailments. The best remedy for a long time is considered to be sage. You should learn how to correctly take sage with menopause, and perhaps it will save you from the problems accompanying this period.

Sage taken during the day inside in the form of a decoction (2 items of a spoonful of grass for 2 cups of boiling water) has a pronounced rejuvenating effect: it tones the entire body, especially the skin, struggles with sweating, energizes, helps to fight stress.