Women's team

Many people perceive the female team as a snake, but in reality it is not all so scary. There are, of course, also such companies, in which in fact each department has its own intrigues, and each of the employees is showered with mud for the eyes so that it becomes scary. However, the features of the women's team do not end there.

How to work in a women's team?

Many women, whose experience is not the most pleasant way, are looking for ways to survive in the women's team. However, if you are in the team that survive and do not work, it's worthwhile to look after yourself another job, because if you constantly draw energy and lead you to breakdowns, it will affect your health and relationships with loved ones. And the very quality of life from this sharply and rapidly falls down.

If everything is not so scary, and you're just afraid of how it all turns, first try to determine your place in the team and the place of everyone else. It is desirable to immediately achieve the location of at least one or two people, so that later you have your allies.

It also happens that conflicts in the women's team are not uncommon. This is due to the fact that women themselves are very emotional and often take offense at various working moments or inflate from a molehill of an elephant. It's good that many of them tend to understand their mistakes and recognize them.

Do not tune in to the fact that the whole world is against you while you are there. In the end, if you yourself are friendly, sympathetic, will not condemn anyone and will behave with restraint, there is a chance that like-minded people will be attracted to you, and thus a friendly women's team will form, which will later become an excellent company for gathering in a cafe or club. Do not get distracted if initially no one showed interest in you. The establishment of relations in the women's team takes some time, so do not seek to achieve everything at once. The first week most likely to you will only start to look narrowly, and here already on the second you will completely get accustomed and you will feel yourself more naturally.

It is interesting that the problems of the women's team begin when one or two gossips and intriguers appear, who are trying to split up. It is best to find out right away who these people are and do not have to deal with them, and especially not to share personal - they can so turn everything upside down, which will not seem too small. Still, be attuned to the good: after all, life often justifies our expectations.

How to lead a women's team?

It's one thing if you have to join a female team as an ordinary employee, and quite another - if you have to take a leadership position. On the features of management of women's collective is worth noting the following, the most basic features:

  1. The team is most effective young married women - they are smart, responsible and they really need work.
  2. If there are a lot of older women in the team, try to motivate them to be friendly and polite, which they often lack.
  3. In the women's team there is an eternal problem with delays and the desire to delay time. Remind that every minute is important for the workflow.
  4. Each new employee needs to issue a specific work plan for the day, since setting tasks can be problematic in this case.
  5. During the working day, provide for some breaks, so that the employees can tidy themselves and their thoughts.
  6. Instructions should be given respectfully and with tact, the sharpness acts on them depressingly.

Women's team, if you understand, is not so terrible. The main thing is to take into account its features and draw conclusions.