Motivation of staff - the most effective ways

Each manager wants the subordinates to always work professionally, qualitatively and at the same time manage to fulfill the planned volumes. The motivation of staff plays an important role here. We propose to find out how you can stimulate working capacity at the enterprises, what distinguishes the internal and external motivation of the staff.

Motivation and incentives for staff

Under this term, it is customary to understand the formation of both internal and external factors that act through self-consciousness. Identify those who are able to determine what is most important for a particular person. Among the internal:

To external it is customary to include:

This system of motivation of personnel by nature can be either positive (save or get), and negative (avoid, get rid of). A positive aspect is the encouragement for a well-executed task, and already negative - the punishment for its failure. Under stimulation, the external levers of activating specialists are understood, in other words - the interest in the material plan.

Types of staff motivation

The very motivation of the personnel is divided into material and non-material. The first include the salary and its increase. Often, untimely payment negatively affects the performance of all subordinates. Bonuses and business trips can also be called an excellent incentive to work qualitatively and to fulfill the plan. Such methods of staff motivation as contests, gifts, holidays and a board of honor are excellent incentives.

Intangible motivation of staff

It is possible to interest people in performing their duties professionally and quickly not only with the help of money. Intangible motivation of personnel is an intangible way to involve team members at a high level and cope with the tasks set. Among such methods:

  1. Recognition of merit, praise . Select a person by giving him a letter and calling it one of the best you can both during professional holidays, and at general meetings, planning meetings.
  2. Creation and maintenance of a favorable psychological environment . This moment is one of the key, as in a benevolent atmosphere professional activity will be really effective.
  3. Possibility to get or to improve qualification . This will be relevant for young ambitious professionals, for whom it is important to achieve professionalism in their careers.
  4. Possibility to move up the career ladder and develop . If the enterprise has managerial positions and there is an increase in categories, this will serve as an excellent incentive for work.
  5. Occupation is a favorite thing . When a person "burns" with his work and performs it with enthusiasm, it really motivates every morning to get up and go to work with pleasure.
  6. Introduction of bonuses . Among such pleasant rewards can be - free lunches, discounts for classes in the gym, preferential training and many other things that may interest members of the team.
  7. Long service awards, rewards and honorary titles . This is a recognition of high achievements in the professional activity of a person and respect for his work.
  8. Communication of management with subordinates . At every enterprise there should be such a connection between managers and employees.

Material motivation of the staff

It is considered effective to consider such a method as material motivation of the organization's personnel. The most popular ways of motivating staff:

  1. The rate, wages . Increase in wages is considered to be a very effective method.
  2. Award issue . This method is one of the most popular types of encouraging the effectiveness of a person's work.
  3. Percentage of revenue . This method of incentives can be called the most famous in the trade and service delivery.
  4. Additional payment for the conditions . When at the enterprises in connection with the features of the technological process there is no such opportunity to make the working conditions the best, the managers make an additional payment. It can be and various compensations in the form of a free-of-charge feed, increase in duration of rest, sanatorium treatment.
  5. Presentation of gifts . Even inexpensive gifts will help stimulate the worker, because every person likes to receive them.
  6. Getting intra-firm benefits . These types of rewards are very popular. They include partial or full payment of medical insurance, as well as car insurance, compensation for travel expenses in public transport.

Psychological motivation of staff

Each leader does everything to ensure that the team is working to the fullest impact and eventually fulfilled the plan. To do this, it is important to stimulate people by developing an effective reward system. Motivation of personnel is one of the ways to increase labor productivity. There are certain rules with which you can interest a person as his work:

  1. Encouragement should be unexpected, unpredictable and at the same time irregular. Such rewards motivate much better than those that become part of wages.
  2. Stimulation becomes effective in cases when subordinates can feel the recognition of their own contribution to the activities of the enterprise and have the deserved statuses.
  3. The remuneration should be immediate, that is, the reaction of management to the actions of employees in this case is fair and fast.
  4. It is important to stimulate not at the end of the whole work process, but for intermediate achievements.
  5. It is important that a person feels confident, because it is necessary for everyone to assert themselves.
  6. Without a good reason, it is not necessary to constantly allocate someone to one of the employees, so as not to cause envy among the others.

Social motivation of the staff

Involvement in professional work is possible with the help of social incentives , which is a public endorsement or a censure of professional actions. Modern literature on the motivation of the staff identifies such measures of public approval:

Among the measures of social censure are:

Moral motivation of staff

In addition to other awards and ways of motivating staff for highly effective work, there is also moral motivation of the organization's staff:

Employee motivation

Thanks to labor incentives, management can realize potential opportunities. The main goal here is the opportunity to train specialists to own their workforce, and not only to be owners of production assets. The main task of the manager is to determine the needs of labor behavior of employees in order to fulfill the assigned tasks. This is the effective motivation of the staff. The inner motivating forces here should be ideals, motives, interests, value orientations, needs and aspirations.

Collective staff motivation

Each company needs a collective incentive. This motivation of the staff is called upon to interest in the labor process not just one person, but several. At the same time, it can be people in different positions. Such methods of staff motivation are very effective in every sphere. Their results can be observed after a short time.

Involvement and motivation of staff

Under the involvement of an understanding of the increased emotional connection with the organization, which forces specialists to voluntarily make efforts. To learn about its degree it is possible proceeding from such principles:

The results of human activities can show how much he is interested in his activities. Involvement is very valuable and therefore it is important to develop it in every enterprise. It should be understood that it must be a conscious choice of a person. Therefore, the important goals of staff motivation are to create the conditions under which the specialist will be involved in the process.

Theories of staff motivation

Such a concept as the motivation of the personnel has certain groups of theories - substantive and procedural. The first are divided into:

  1. A. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is known as a pyramid, which shows that the higher the place is occupied by the needs in the hierarchy, the less people can be motivated by them in their behavior.
  2. McKeland - presented the needs without hierarchy in groups - power, success and involvement.
  3. Two-factor Herzberg - according to her satisfaction and dissatisfaction imply two independent processes.

The second include:

  1. Expectations (V.V.) and the Porter-Lawler model-the models complement each other.
  2. Setting goals Edwin Locke - human behavior is determined by the goals set before him.
  3. Equity (equality or balance) is a comparison of the evaluation of a person's actions with the evaluation of the work of other people.

Books on staff motivation

For all managers there is a special literature on staff motivation. Among the most popular books: