How to open a fitness club?

A distinctive feature of modern society is the fact that more and more people are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, they are following their bodies and want to prolong their youth. Sports activities - one of the mandatory aspects on the road to harmony, smartness, beauty and health. That is why the sport industry flourishes and brings a stable high income. If you are interested in how to open your fitness club from scratch, then first you need to make a clear and comprehensive business plan for the company.

How to open a fitness club?

First, you need to determine the target audience of the future club, for this you need to do a market analysis. This concept includes studying the experience and proposals of already open institutions of this type with an emphasis on their advantages and disadvantages. Initially, it is important to know exactly which contingent your club will be designed for - visitors with medium incomes or people with high incomes.

To open an elite fitness club you will need much more investment. If the start-up capital is small, then it is better to start with an intermediate level with the possibility of developing, improving the service and price tag for services. If there is no start-up capital, then the question of how to open a fitness club without money, first of all, is solved by attracting partners, investors and credit funds.

In the list of what you need to open a fitness club, it is important to include:

When renting a room for classes, you should at least approximately count on how many visitors a room will suit. On average, for each trainee it will take 2 sq. M. m area and the central part of 3-4 square meters. m for the coach. An important factor for providing comfortable conditions are engineering networks - high-quality air conditioning and maintaining the optimum temperature.

For repair, expensive materials will not be needed, it will be sufficient to paint the walls and arrange the mirror wall. In addition, the club should have a cozy waiting room with a reception desk, changing rooms for men and women, bathrooms, showers, a good bonus for visitors will be a pool and massage room.