
Within the boundaries of modern Ethiopia, more than 2,000 years ago, the Axumite state was located. The found and expected architectural and historical finds of the capital city ​​of Axum have been investigated in our time, shedding more and more light on the development of this territory and the country as a whole. But the mystery of the found temple of the Moon, located near Yehi, has not been solved till now.

Within the boundaries of modern Ethiopia, more than 2,000 years ago, the Axumite state was located. The found and expected architectural and historical finds of the capital city ​​of Axum have been investigated in our time, shedding more and more light on the development of this territory and the country as a whole. But the mystery of the found temple of the Moon, located near Yehi, has not been solved till now.

More about the temple

The name of Yeh belongs to the most ancient city ever discovered on the territory of Ethiopia. Of all the local ruins and architectural finds, the ruins of the temple stand out especially: this monumental unusual square building, built of huge, faceted stone blocks. In scientific works this temple is often called a tower.

According to the estimates of scientists and archaeologists, the construction of the building is attributed to the 7th century BC. In those days, the Axumite state had not yet reached Christianity, and the temple of Yehi was supposedly the place of worship of the moon god. This is still not an exact statement, but only a scientific hypothesis based on the strong similarity of this structure and the Sabaean temples in Arabia.

What is interesting about the temple of Yeha?

The main material used in the construction of the ancient temple is sandstone. The walls of the structure are composed of large blocks on the principle of dry masonry: without a mortar. Of course, not all geometry has survived to this day, and in some places caving is visible. Around the temple of Yehi lies many ancient tombs, as well as some of the buildings of the complex. Here is organized an archaeological museum, which contains massive finds for the work of scientists.

The most important thing in Yeh is the incredible, even for modern times, skill with which the ancient temple was erected. Perfect technical calculation, ideal proportions and block geometry is what motivates most tourists to visit the ancient temple of Yeh in Ethiopia.

It is worth noting that, in addition to archeologists and historians who come here from all over the world, Yeha attracts ufologists. According to the theory of modern researchers, it is in this place that there should be traces of contacts with extraterrestrial civilization.

How to get to Yeah?

The ruins of the temple are located on the outskirts of the homonymous village in the north of Ethiopia, in the center of the Tigray region. From the ancient Axum to Yehi - 80 km. A visit to the ruins is free.

The most convenient, comfortable and safe option to get to the temple of Yechi is an excursion review from the travel company. Lovers of independent leisure come to explore the ancient ruins themselves on rented jeeps.