How to remove a stain from paint - the best ways

The question of how to remove a stain from a paint is encountered by most people. It is not necessary to do repairs to dirty your favorite clothes, you can do it right on the street, leaning against a freshly painted wall or bench. If you tackle this problem in time, then you will save a valuable thing, using affordable and inexpensive means.

How to wash the stain off the paint from the clothes?

People face in everyday life and at work with a lot of chemicals. Adults and children constantly in their life use gouache, ink, watercolor, oil or acrylic compounds, nitro-colors. In addition, you can get dirty with an inoffensive lipstick, tonal cream or hair dye, creating a complicated problem for yourself. In business, how to wash a stain from a paint, you need to know exactly two important things - the composition of the coloring matter and the approximate time when it got on your clothes. It is easiest to remove fresh dirt from the surface of the tissue.

How to remove a stain from hair dye?

If the stain was put to you by carelessness by the master in the beauty salon, then ask him to immediately apply a hair spray to the problem site, by this method you fix the pigment at the contact point, not allowing it to penetrate into the deep layers. In the question, than to wash the stain from the hair dye, flowing water from the tap helps, the fresh stain can be washed off with a gentle jet, directing the liquid to flow down the surface of the tissue, but trying not to let it soak in.

The task of removing an old stain from hair dye from white material is quickly solved with hydrogen peroxide. Things soak in a 3% solution of this substance for half an hour and washed with a detergent. Vinegar is suitable for colored clothing, we soak the things for 20 minutes. With multi-colored materials you need to act carefully, strong solvents have a whitening effect. Always start by experimenting on an inconspicuous area or using a secure Vanish for colored fabric.

How to remove a stain from watercolor paint?

With water-soluble compounds it is not difficult to work, so gouache or watercolor does not create big problems. We solve the problem of how to remove the stain from the paint from clothes, using a simple powder for washing and cold water. Rinse under a strong jet of contaminated area, if this method does not help, then soak things in a detergent and produce laundry. Old-aged mud from watercolor can be brought out with hot vinegar.

How to remove stains from oil paint?

When choosing the best method, how to remove a stain from an oil-based paint, you need to have a good solvent under your hands. Suit acetone, white spirit, not bad serves for this purpose, liquid for removing varnish. Try to remove the stain from the oil paint from clothes, try to wipe it with a piece of cloth moistened in the reagent chosen for work. Woolen things are cleaned with a cotton swab and vegetable oil, you need to work slowly, with circular movements rubbing the problem spot.

Often the problem of how to remove a stain from paint can be managed relatively quickly, but the oily traces remain visible on the clothing. We lay the fabric between sheets of white paper and iron it with an iron, the problematic place is gradually cleared. Alternatively, use a detergent, dissolving it in water, and wiping the obtained composition with an oily speck.

How to remove a stain from acrylic paint?

Unpleasant stains from acrylic paint to bring out better fresh, if you start saving your favorite thing in the first hours after contamination, then you can do with the simplest means in the form of bleach and washing powder. To rub the detergent into the tissue, it is not necessary to purchase a special device, many people successfully used an old toothbrush for this purpose.

Remove the stain from the acrylic paint:

  1. We turn things inside out.
  2. We soak clothes under a powerful stream of water.
  3. Squeeze the fabric and immerse it in the washing machine.
  4. We wash things in the longest mode at a temperature of 30 ° C.
  5. If necessary, repeat the automatic washing.
  6. In the stubble stub we rub the detergent with a brush.
  7. We wash off the remainder of the powder under the tap with hot water.
  8. We wash things in the car at the maximum permissible temperature.
  9. In the most difficult cases, when to cope with the problem, how to remove the stain from the paint, completely fails, use bleach or a qualitative stain remover.

Stain from paint for printer

Employees of modern offices often face the challenge of how to remove stains from paint from clothes obtained when working with a printer. These machines use water-soluble and pigmented inks. It is possible to extract the contamination data with solvents on alcohol or ammonia. With fresh specks cope with the help of lemon juice, milk, starch, laundry soap, talc.

How to remove the stain from the paint with alcohol:

  1. Pour a small amount of alcohol into the plate.
  2. Wet a sponge or a piece of clean cloth in alcohol.
  3. We wipe the stain and wait a few minutes.
  4. We moisten and clean the dirty place with a dampened sponge in the water.
  5. After drying the fabric, inspect the clothes and repeat the procedure if necessary.

Spot from paint for shoes

You can get yourself a lot of trouble if you hastily apply a shoe care product to your shirt, blouse or trousers. The instruction how to reduce a stain from a paint from clothes, is extremely simple. First, we process the material with gasoline or acetone, then wipe this place with 10% solution of ammonia. At the end, wipe the cloth with a sponge soaked in clean water, and hang out the clothes to dry. Remains of stains are washed off by washing with the use of toilet soap and rinsing in cold water.

Stain from ink stamps

Stamp paint on clothes is a serious problem for accountants, secretaries and other office employees who often work with business papers.

  1. Helps to solve this problem solution of glycerin and turpentine in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. To remove a stain from a stamp paint from leather things it is possible a mix of glycerin and denatured alcohol.
  3. Oxalic acid and citric acid are used to treat light tissue. We take 10 grams of each acid, we dilute it in 100 g of water, mix it and wipe the contaminated area with this solution.

How to remove an old stain from a paint?

The worst thing is to remove the stain from the old paint, without serious solvents, you can not cope with them. A powerful means is purified gasoline, kerosene, turpentine or white spirit. We put the solvent on clothes, wipe the dirty area, rinse after cleaning the cloth with water. Oily stains and odors are removed by washing with the use of a detergent. You can try to remove the old oil paint by dishwashing detergent , which we put on clothes and leave to soak for 12 hours. Next, we clean the stains with a brush and wash the cloth under running water.

Stains on the linoleum from paint

On the sexual surface often appear spots of different origins, which remain after childish pranks or repairs, accidentally spilled liquids, medicines. When deciding how to remove old paint stains from linoleum, first determine their origin, this determines the optimal choice of the preparation that should be used in the work. It is forbidden to use hard brushes and scrapers for cleaning, we use a sponge and pieces of soft cloth.

Than to remove a paint from linoleum: