Blood in the urine of a dog causes

There are many reasons why a dog has urinary blood. The main thing is that this sign can not be ignored. Recognize the admixture of blood can be acquired by urine of an unusual color - from pink to reddish-brown.

Why does the dog have urine with blood?

The most common causes of the phenomenon are as follows:

  1. The dog has a urinary tract infection . Most often this is the reason. The disease is accompanied by symptoms such as painful and difficult urination, temperature, active licking of the tail area. If the cause of the presence of blood in the urine in the dog in this, the treatment is to take antibiotics. Passes the disease pretty quickly.
  2. Stones and sand in the kidneys of the dog are also a common cause of painful urination, blood in the urine, which appears due to mechanical trauma to the mucous membranes. A complete blockage of the urinary tract is especially dangerous. Be sure to show the animal to the veterinarian, probably he will prescribe surgical treatment.
  3. Various prostate diseases, which are observed in non-castrated males. On ultrasound, the prostate can be enlarged, which leads to difficulty urinating, the appearance of blood impurities, and increased temperature.
  4. In bitches, like prostatitis in males, we often encounter a pyometra , when pus and blood accumulate in the uterus due to the development of infection, which, when urinating, can be released to the outside.
  5. Another reason why a dog has urine with blood can be associated with poisoning , the treatment of which depends on what the animal has eaten. It often happens that a dog eats a rat poisoned by poison and is poisoned itself. If this happens, you should immediately contact a specialist.
  6. If you see drops or blood clots in the dog's urine, the cause could be vaginal or penile vaginitis, urethritis, cystitis .