How to breed wavy parrots?

In order to breed wavy parrots , you do not need special skills and special equipment, it is possible to do and at home. If you set out to carry out such an experiment or open your business in the feathered and animal kingdom, let's figure out how to breed wavy parrots at home.

How to breed wavy parrots at home?

The content and breeding of wavy parrots is not a difficult matter. To begin with, you will need a spacious cage so that you can place a special house there, in which the chicks will hatch. The house must have a removable roof. This is necessary in order to easily monitor the state of the offspring.

If there is such an opportunity, offer the parrots a choice. Let them choose their own pair, because sometimes the option that you suggest you can not arrange wavy birds. And everything can go not according to the scenario.

To breed parrots that have already been identified as a couple, you need to create comfortable home conditions. The air temperature should be set between 18-22 ° C. When the parrots start to retire in the house, they should try not to interfere. After some time the female will carry eggs, usually up to eight pieces and will begin to incubate them. The male will feed her and keep an eye on her. At this time you, periodically need to look into the house and check eggs. If you see that the shell is cracked, you can try to save the egg and cover it with a colorless varnish.

The appearance of chicks will be accompanied by a characteristic squeak. They appear naked, helpless and completely blind. After the parakeets become independent they have to be sent to another cage from the mother, as she can behave aggressively enough towards the young parrots in an effort to the next breeding. If you want to stop the process of reproduction, just remove the house from the cage and continue the parrots maintenance as usual.