How to remove a hangover syndrome?

The next morning after "yesterday's" your favorite is especially ridiculous: his helplessness could have been touched all day if it were not for the groans "to make me again ...". In the end, the woman's heart does not stand, and it is necessary to help the poor thing, it will not teach him anything, and next time it will be the same.

But women, unlike men, can not afford to make a mistake, therefore, even in such a widespread "home routine" as removing the hangover syndrome, one must be 100% competent.

What is there inside?

Alcohol intoxication is terrible in that it affects absolutely all organs and systems, interfering with the metabolic process of each cell. That's why the head hurts, and it makes you sick, and your legs do not obey, well, and everything else. You yourself know ...

Proceeding from this, it becomes obvious that the way how to eliminate hangover syndrome should extend to all "fronts". Let's write down the algorithm of your task in stages.

Cleansing in the literal sense of the word

Poisons accumulate in the intestine, so you can directly deal with it. To do this, take a non-toxic laxative (such as "Senade") or make an enema.

In the event that food and alcohol were taken recently (3-4 hours), it would be more effective than treating a hangover syndrome, an ordinary gastric lavage. If you are lucky and have a well-functioning gag reflex, you should send him to the bath to deal with this matter on your own.

Also, for binding poisons, you can take activated charcoal and similar sorbents.

Chemical Therapy

Since poisons have spread throughout all cells, and although we have coped with the stomach in half, there are still cells - the cell membranes become particularly permeable and "let in" too many toxins.

How to help with a hangover syndrome to "clean" the cells - here the medicine and the contents of the refrigerator will come to the rescue:

Why is thirst so thirsty?

The fluid content in the blood decreased, our "sick" whole swelled up. Edema is the cause, including the headache. In order to normalize the liquid content and the disturbed acid-base balance, we do the following without disturbing the order of manipulation:

And in the morning, at work ...

If you need to urgently remove a strong hangover syndrome and return the minimum working capacity, we should deal with the nervous system - we will tone it and remove the symptoms:

And of course, hygienic procedures that not only rid the smell of intoxication, but also help to remove toxins through the pores. This, in turn, contrast shower, bath and bath. The first is most useful and safe, but the bathroom and the bath should never be carried away in this state to those who have even minimal problems with the heart and pressure.