X-ray of the Fallopian tubes

If the girl can not get pregnant for a long time, the doctor can recommend her to undergo the GHA (hysterosalpingography) procedure. Also, it is sometimes prescribed in the case of recurrent miscarriages.

In order to establish the patency of the fallopian tubes and try to identify the cause of the impossibility of conception, a special fluid is introduced into the woman's uterus - a contrast medium, through which the organs of the small pelvis are examined. In this case, there are 2 varieties of GHA - assessment of the patency of the fallopian tubes using X-rays or ultrasound diagnostics.

In this article we will tell you how X-rays are made for patency of the fallopian tubes, and also what consequences this procedure can cause.

How do X-rays of the fallopian tubes?

Before the beginning of the procedure, the doctor necessarily conducts a general gynecological examination using a mirror. Then a small tube, a cannula, is inserted into the cervix. Through it, with the help of a syringe, a contrast agent is gradually introduced into the uterine cavity.

Next, the doctor makes X-rays, noting how quickly the liquid fills the uterus and penetrates the fallopian tubes. Finally, the cannula is removed from the cervix, and the doctor evaluates the result.

If the contrast substance penetrated the abdominal cavity - the fallopian tubes are passable, otherwise - no .

Most patients do not experience severe discomfort during the GHA procedure, however, in rare cases, a doctor can apply local anesthesia.

What consequences can cause X-rays of the fallopian tubes?

Hysterosalpingography is considered a relatively safe procedure. Meanwhile, checking the patency of the fallopian tubes using X-rays is strictly forbidden in pregnancy, due to the danger of irradiation of the embryo. To exclude the possibility of pregnancy, before passing the procedure it is necessary to pass a test or to pass a blood test for hCG. In the case when the GHA needs to be carried out by a woman expecting the birth of a child, only the method of examination using ultrasound diagnostics is used.

In addition, approximately 2% of patients after passing the X-ray of the fallopian tubes have abdominal pain. In rare cases, a contrast agent may contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Finally, some women report the appearance of bloody discharge after the examination. In most cases, this is due to mechanical damage to the epithelium during the passage of X-ray diagnostics.