Endometrioid ovarian cyst - treatment

Endometrioid cyst consists of a dense connective tissue capsule and its contents - brown or chocolate color, which is why the name "chocolate cysts" was popular before. As a rule, the size of endometrioid cysts up to 10 cm in diameter, larger ones is already a casuistic phenomenon, especially in conditions of modern diagnostic capabilities.


There are many assumptions about the causes of the occurrence of the endometrioid cyst, but a reliable cause, unfortunately, is not yet known. According to one of the hypotheses, it is believed that endometrioid cysts can occur after abortions and surgical interventions for pelvic organs diseases, since with the instruments, the endometrial tissue can be transferred to organs not characteristic for it. There is another theory: its adherents consider hormonal disorders as the main cause of the disease. Or here is one more, according to which cysts are a congenital anomaly associated with a violation of replacement of embryonic tissue. Each of the theories provides weighty data, so the cause of the appearance of endometrioid cysts lies in the combination of the above factors.

Endometrioid cyst - symptoms

Symptoms of the endometrioid cyst of the ovary are varied: from asymptomatic to intense pain syndrome. But nevertheless it is possible to distinguish some of the most characteristic symptoms:

  1. Pain syndrome - its features are chronic aching pain, which can give to the lumbar region and perineum.
  2. A slight increase in temperature.
  3. Violation of the menstrual cycle - this can be profuse menstrual bleeding or an increase in the duration of menstruation. Less often the appearance of intermenstrual secretions of brown color, which happens when combined with endometriosis of the uterus and ovaries.
  4. The most frequent complication is the adhesive process, which can disrupt the work of the intestine and urinary system, as well as pain during intercourse.

A feature of the clinical picture is that the symptoms of the endometrioid cyst are intensified, usually before or during menstruation.

Endometrioid ovarian cyst - is surgery necessary?

Surgical treatment of the endometrioid cyst is either in the removal of the ovary, or in the resection of the cyst, which depends on its size and localization. In any case, surgical intervention should be carried out on strict indications, only in the following cases:

Due to the widespread use of endoscopic techniques, a highly traumatic surgical procedure can be avoided. Through laparoscopic access, coagulation of small cysts or laser therapy is successful, after which hormonal preparations are prescribed.

Medication Therapy

To reduce pain, you can use antispasmodics (No-shpa, Baralgin) and anti-inflammatory drugs (Indomethacin, Brufen). But the basis of therapy is still hormonal drugs that suppress the function of the ovaries right up to the artificially induced menopause , directly affecting the function of the ovaries or through the hypothalamic-pituitary system. The combination of drugs is individually selected by the attending physician. Additionally, vitamin preparations will not harm.

To treat or not to treat?

The endometrioid cyst of the ovary itself can not be resolved, therefore complex treatment is necessary. But during the cycle, it can change its size - a little decrease. This is because the disease is based on the appearance of a tissue that looks like the endometrium in its structure and functional response to changes in the level of hormones. It is this factor that explains the increased symptoms before menstruation.

In the absence of adequate treatment of the endometrioid cyst, the appearance of tumor forms of the disease and malignant degeneration are not ruled out.