Mulled wine - a recipe with orange

Mulled wine is a hot spicy drink based on red wine, especially good to keep warm in cold weather. Mulled wine is usually made from wine, heated to a temperature of 70-80 degrees C with the addition of various spices, sugar and fruits.

It is a traditional drink at Christmas markets and holidays in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Czech Republic (the word itself came from the German language). Often prepared, served and used outdoors.

Recipes of drinks like mulled wine are known from ancient times (wine was mixed with spices and insisted), but the method of heating wine became later, in the Middle Ages in Central and Northern Europe. Usually mulled wine was prepared on the basis of burgundy or claret with the addition of greenery of galangal (another name is kalgan, a family of ginger).

At present, red dry or semi-dry, weak wines are used for the preparation of mulled wine. The classical basis - bordeaux or claret can be replaced by a more familiar Cabernet. Sometimes in the mulled wine for the fortress add cognac, brandy or rum. Also in the preparation use sugar or honey, various fruits, for example, oranges.

Tell you how to cook mulled wine with orange. You can cook mulled wine in two ways, but in any case, the wine should not be boiled, so as not to lose useful substances when exposed to high temperatures.

Mulled wine with orange, apple, honey, ginger and cinnamon

We will cook without using water



Before we begin to make mulled wine with orange and cinnamon , we will citrus fruits with boiling water and rinse thoroughly, and then cut into slices with skin. Bones removed - they give an unpleasant aftertaste. Apples are washed and sliced, peeled ginger - shallow short straws.

Warm the wine in a water bath or with temperature control, as soon as the first white foam appears - turn off the fire. Add to the heated wine apples, orange slices, ginger and dry spices - not ground - so it is then easier to filter. We close the lid and insist. It would be good to wrap up the pot too, so that the extraction would take a little longer. Finished mulled wine is filtered and we add honey and cinnamon. We serve in high glasses of thick glass with a comfortable handle. For the fortress, you can add a little brandy, rum or gin.

Mulled wine with orange, apples, sugar and spices

In this recipe, we will add water.



Oranges are scalded with boiling water and thoroughly washed, and then cut into slices. Apples are also washed and cut into thin slices. All spices and sugar are cooked with water for 15 minutes for the best extraction. Slightly cool spices seasoned with syrup and pour slices of apples and oranges. Add the wine and filter.

You can act a little differently: boil apples with spices, only spices should be boiled for about 15 minutes, and for apples, 3-5 are enough. Orange slices can be sprinkled with sugar and crushed to better let the juice, and then mix with the broth of spices and apples. In any case, it is better not to boil oranges, as well as honey. When exposed to high temperatures, fruits simply lose vitamin C, and honey generally breaks down into harmful substances.