Gogol-mogol for cough - recipe

Gogol-Mogol is known to us from childhood. A properly prepared dessert has a wonderful taste and has a mass of medicinal properties, therefore it is used as a folk remedy for cough and sore throat . The main ingredients for the preparation of the mogul are yolk and sugar, these products were the main and only components of the medicine of our grandparents. But over time, the recipe was improved, changed its taste and made it even more useful.

Classic recipe

Strange as it may seem, the classic and most useful recipe for a mogul from a cough does not include sugar, as sweetness is given to honey, which is also very useful. So, in order to make the most delicious and useful gogol-mogol, you need:

  1. Take a small piece of butter, stir it with a teaspoon of honey.
  2. Add one egg yolk.
  3. After stirring the food well, add a glass of hot milk.
  4. Whip the resulting mass.

Gogol-mogul with milk can soften the throat and cure of bronchitis. And if you suffer from a dry cough, then add soda to the dessert at the tip of a teaspoon.

Also from a dry cough, you can make a mogul on the basis of butter, honey and iodine. For this:

  1. Mix the egg yolk with one spoon of butter and honey.
  2. Add a drop of iodine.

As a result, you get a delicious product that even a child can drink.

Gogol-mogul with citrus juice

Modern recipes for this simple medicine often includes citrus juice, which not only makes the taste of the product more spicy, but also positively affects the human immunity. After you prepare the base for the mogol, you can add the following ingredients to the egg yolks rubbed with sugar:

Significantly more favorable for immunity will affect yolks not from chicken eggs, but from quail.

Gogol-Mogol with alcohol

Alcoholic gogol-mogol is often served in clubs and restaurants as a sweet cocktail. But for medicinal purposes it is also effective, so it can be done at home, in order to get rid of the pain in the throat about to warm the bronchi. The recipe is very simple, see how to do gogol-mogol with alcohol:

1. It is necessary to take:

2. Pour sugar, vanalin, lemon zest and cloves into the pan.

3. Boil the contents for a few minutes.

4. After this strain, cool, add alcohol and slightly warmed milk.

If the mogul is used to treat the throat, then the drink should be warm, but keep in mind that it helps you cough much better.