How quickly to cook peas?

After reading this material, you will learn how to boil the peas quickly, so that it boils and makes you happy with the excellent taste. The proposed recommendations will help you cope with the task, even if you forgot to dunk the product in time in advance, as required by the bulk of recipes.

How to quickly cook dry peas for soup?

The ideal option to speed up the cooking of peas for soup preparation is, as you know, pre-soaking the peas in cold water for seven hours or ideally at night. Reduce the time for soaking the product can be by adding a pinch of baking soda to the water. In this case, you need to keep peas in a soda solution for only two or three hours, and the result will be the same as after a longer soaking. Before pawning such peas in soup it is necessary to rinse well in clean water.

If you do not have time to soak at all, add the washed peas to the soup along with the meat. To accelerate the cooking, add a pinch of soda directly into the soup. Thanks to this, the peas will become soft and will degrade to mash even faster than meat is cooked. You can not worry about the taste of the dish. Soda in it will not be felt. If its presence still embarrasses you, you can use another effective method of accelerating the cooking of peas.

Boil the peas faster by creating conditions for the temperature difference when cooking. To do this, place peas in soup with meat or smoked products (if any), fill it with water so that it only covers the contents and warms up everything to a boil. Then gradually pour a little cold water, and each time bring the dish to a boil. Thus, peas cook faster and will please you in soup with excellent taste.

Another condition that must be observed when cooking peas for soup. Salt the food in which peas are brewed, it is necessary after its digestion, at the final stage of cooking.

How to quickly cook peas without soaking in a multivark?



Peeled peas washed thoroughly to a clear liquid, we put it into the capacity of a multi-device and fill it with the necessary amount of purified water. Set up the device for the function "Quenching" and set the time on the display for two hours. After a lapse of time, the cooked peas are salted to taste and mixed. The result in this case will be almost uniform pea puree, which can be served as an independent dish, seasoned with vegetable frying or used as a side dish.

For a thicker consistency of the dish, you need to reduce the amount of liquid in the initial stage of cooking.

The time of preparation of peas in a multivark will depend directly on the model of the gadget. If your device is equipped with a pressure cooker, the peas in it will boil twice as fast.

How quickly to cook peas for pies?

For lovers of pies with pea filling we will tell in this recipe how to cook it quickly and deliciously.



To prepare a filling for pies quickly, you can use one of the ways to accelerate the cooking, which we mentioned above. If you have the time, it is better to soak the peas for a few hours before washing, before washing it. It is believed that with the water are merged substances that are difficult to digest by the body, which is often the cause of increased gassing in the intestine. And since in peanuts peas will be combined with a yeast test, an additional portion of such substances may prove to be an impossible task for weak digestion.

So, washed and possibly soaked peas are poured with water, taking two and a half parts of water for one part of the mass of peas. After boiling, reduce the intensity of heat to a minimum and cook peas, stirring occasionally, until it turns into a thick porridge. This will take an average of one hour.

On readiness we shall pass a small-sliced ​​onion in sunflower oil until soft, add to the pea mass and mix. If desired, you can punch the filling in addition with a blender to maximize its uniformity.