Cytology of the cervix

Cancer is now the cause of high mortality among women who have not been diagnosed in a timely manner. Therefore, cytological diagnosis of cervical disease is very important. It is based on the examination of cells taken from its surface. Scientists believe that the development of cancer occurs within a few years, so all women are advised to do cytology of the cervix every five years. This can reduce the likelihood of mortality by 85 percent.

There is a high probability of oncological diseases in women infected with the papilloma virus. Scientists have recently identified the association of this infection with cancer. Smoking, too, can trigger the development of the disease. If a woman has early onset of sexual activity, often changes partners - then she is at risk for this disease.

Why does the cervix require careful examination?

Usually gynecological diseases manifest themselves as pains or secretions. A woman pays attention to this and goes to the doctor. And the cervix has such features that any pathological changes in its cells do not show themselves. If you do not conduct regular examinations, you can skip the onset of cancer. Therefore, it is so important to do a cytological examination of cervical smears every few years.

What is the meaning of such analyzes?

As early as the beginning of the 20th century, the Greek physician Georg Papanikolaou developed a cytological method for the study of smears to detect early stage cancer. The fence of the material is taken from the surface of the cervix. Its features are, in the analysis, the cells themselves are examined. After fence they are tinted with a special composition and examined under a microscope. Cytological examination of cervical scraping allows one to determine presence of inflammatory processes, as well as malignant change in cells.

How is the cytological examination done correctly?

Correct interpretation of the cervical cervical study makes it possible to identify not only cancer at the initial stage, but also the presence of various infections and fungi. The result depends on several factors: the professionalism of the gynecologist, the timely fixing of the material to prevent its drying out, the use of quality dyes and the correct preparation of a woman for examination.