11 classes - this is what kind of education?

In recent years, there has been an increasing tendency for schoolchildren, after the ninth grade, to drop out of school and look for other options for obtaining knowledge. Indeed, all sorts of reasons have to drop out of school and enter a technical school. These can be financial difficulties, problems in a child with certain disciplines or health status. If your child has the opportunity to complete a full 11 classes, you must do this. In this article we will look at what schooling is needed for the 10th and 11th grades and what opportunities this gives the child in the future.

Education 11 classes: what is it called?

When right after graduation, already quite adult people start feeling themselves, parents face the problem of the unwillingness of the child to learn further. Some decide to forcibly force children to go to universities, others give complete freedom of action. It is difficult to say exactly what will be right for each specific child, but it will be difficult to find a job.

Often children simply do not know the name of education for 11 classes, and they think about filling this box in the summary. One way or another, but in reality the child has only a complete secondary education . What prospects does he have in the future? In fact, no. After your child has finished 11 classes, no matter what wonderful education he received at the most prestigious school, he does not have a specialty. So you have to clearly explain to your son or daughter in the ninth grade, that in the end there are only three ways:

Unfortunately, ambition often prevails and after the end of the 11th grade, schoolchildren do not quite understand what kind of education it is, and decide to give up everything halfway. The parents' task is to explain that only higher or secondary vocational education will help in the future to find a decent job and move up the career ladder.

Complete secondary education for 11 classes: what does this give?

To explain to the child that the graduation from the school is not the end of learning, and this is just his beginning, just put it all "on the shelves." So, what perspectives will you have after the end of 11 classes: