
The most common aphorism about transvestism belongs to Valery Saltykov. He defines this phenomenon as an attempt to achieve excellence outside his sex. Indeed, transvestism involves disguising a person in the clothes of the opposite sex. What are the reasons for this behavior? We will deal in order.


If 10 years ago many sexological definitions were not known to anyone, they were considered something terrible, but now they are talking about it openly. This is part of our life, society.

Psychosexual deviations are deviations of a person's sexual behavior, consisting in the presence of abnormal, from the point of view of the public, sexual inclinations and desires. One of these forms is transvestism. A man does not pursue his goal to change his sex completely, but he does not avoid the possibility of reincarnating in a representative of the opposite sex. Clothing, accessories, appropriate behavior - periodic reincarnations give a sense of calm and contentment.

Transvestism has two forms: fetishism and transvestism of a dual role:

  1. Fetishistic transvestism is the enjoyment of wearing the opposite sex. A person experiences excitement while in male or female clothing. This behavior is rarely recognized as a mental illness. If such reincarnation causes a person to have an uncontrollable desire to commit inappropriate actions for him, and also becomes an obstacle to a normal sexual life, then this is certainly a disease. This is one of the forms of disorders of sexual preferences.
  2. The presence of this type of disorder forces a person to make every effort to make his appearance look like the appearance of a representative of the opposite sex. In the arsenal there is a huge number of all kinds of clothing, cosmetics, wigs and other accessories. After satisfying a sexual need a person has an irresistible desire to take off his used clothes. So until next time.
  3. Transvestizm double role is expressed in the reluctance to refer itself to its biological sex. To satisfy the need to express protest to one's nature, a person suffers from a periodic performance of the role of the opposite sex. Thus, in life he "plays" both for himself and for "another" himself.


The causes of this phenomenon and to this day are studied by specialists of different profiles: psychologists, sexologists, neuropathologists, etc. There is no single point of view on this issue. The reasons can be very different:

Be who you are. Strive to be the best, but not someone else.