Family status

The family status is shown in the documents, they are interested in the job interview, even when registering on many sites it is required to indicate this information. How much can you say the word "married" about a woman?

What is the marital status?

There are the following types of marital status: single, divorced, married. The legal side of these terms is clear to everyone, but that's what a marital status for an employer in hiring is a big issue.

What will the marital status tell the employer?

It would seem that the best way to get a job in the graph is to marry a married couple. But no, the absence of a family can be a plus only for a man - his employer will consider ready to spend days and nights at work. But from a young unmarried woman waiting for a consistent chain: frequent visits - marriage - a decree. And if a woman is more than 35 years old and she has never been married, then this may not appeal to the employer - suddenly the reason is in the bad character of the applicant?

Married women without children are not in a better position - they are expected to soon leave for the decree, and women with a small child do not want to take a job, because they assume frequent sick leave due to a child's illness.

A woman who is in a civil marriage is also not a tasty morsel for the employer - the unwillingness to legally formalize a relationship can indicate instability and in work.

Thus, the ideal candidate is a divorced or married woman with an adult child.

How to change the marital status in the documents?

Since we have found out that the legal registration of relations is important, it is worth remembering the observance of all formalities. Only the presence of a marriage certificate does not yet give you the full right to write the magic word "married" to the question of marital status. It is also required to put a mark in the passport.

To change the marital status in the passport you will need to apply to the passport office at your place of residence. Also do not forget that if you changed your surname, then the passport will have to be changed.

Marriage is not a marital status!

But the documents are documents, but we do not live on paper. And marriage is much more than a mark in a passport. We heard, probably, the expression: marriage is not a marital status, but a medal "For courage". With this we can not disagree, it's hard not to put the ring on your finger, but keep it there for life. A woman needs a lot of courage and courage to build a trusting relationship in the family and keep the love for years to come. But the responsibility for a happy family lies not only on the fragile female shoulders, the spouse's help is also required here. Although, it all depends on the couple, for example, psychologists distinguish several types of families.

  1. Relations, which we talked about, when the responsibility for marriage is evenly distributed among the spouses, psychologists consider close to ideal. The Union of Companions is durable, because they need arguments not for self-assertion, but to decide which way to move the family further. Love in such a marriage is sober, not requiring full submission to the spouse.
  2. Another often occurring type of relationship is a dependent marriage - one of the spouses feels responsible for the other and takes care of all of his problems. A man does not always play the role of guardian, lately ladies are increasingly becoming such a pillar of the family.
  3. There are families in which the spouses try too hard to maintain their independence. They can even live separately and allow themselves to have amorous meetings "on the side".
  4. It is not so rare there are alliances in which the couple constantly find out who is the master of the family. Quarrels on this basis are constant. Such marriages are rarely durable, often the couple part ways and failing to find out who should occupy the leading position.
  5. Another no less shaky alliance is the relationship in which the spouses believe that they should completely belong to each other, not having the right to their own lives. Here, too, quarrels are not rare, only an excuse for them is jealousy.

As you can see, the short phrase about the marital status speaks about the true state of affairs is not so much. So do not consider all married women happy and held, and razvedenok - losers.