Gardnerella in women

Vaginal dysbiosis (gardnerellez) in women is a violation of the ratio of microflora in the external genitalia of the woman and the vagina. Normally, the microflora of the vagina is mostly populated with bacteria lactobacilli, but in a small amount there are Mycoplasma hominis, Gardnerella vaginalis and anaerobic bacteria (Mobiluncus). With the influence of any adverse factors, the amount of lactobacilli decreases sharply, and the smear from the vagina is predominantly Gardnerella vaginalis. We will try to answer in detail the questions: what are the causes of the diagnosis, treatment, and the consequences of gardnerelleza in women.

Gardnerella in women - the causes of

To say that getting a woman gardnerella into the body is the cause of the disease is not very correct, since these bacteria are present in the body of a healthy woman. Predisposing factors to the development of vaginal dysbiosis are the following:

Pregnancy can also be classified as factors that contribute to the development of dysbiosis. The emergence of gardnerelleza during pregnancy is promoted by hormonal changes in the body and a decrease in immunity.

How to diagnose gardnerellez?

Any woman can be suspected of having a gardnerellez on the basis of characteristic secretions. Allocations in gardnerellez are uninfluous, grayish with a not pleasant smell of "rotten fish", they evenly cover the walls of the vagina. Of great importance is carrying out a general smear from the genital tract, in which a large number of bacteria are found Gardnerella vaginalis. I want to emphasize that it is important not to find this pathogen, but its quantity. A characteristic diagnostic feature is the change in the pH of the vagina to the alkaline side. All other expensive laboratory tests do not have a particular diagnostic value. It is important to note that very often a combination of candidiasis and gardnerellez is diagnosed, since both occur as a result of an imbalance in the microflora.

Scheme of treatment gardnerelleza in women

Effective treatment of gardnerellosis directly depends on the correct combination of oral and local antibacterial drugs. Preparations for oral administration include the following:

Drugs for topical application are presented below: these are vaginal metronidazole tablets (Clion-D).

To avoid chronic gardnerellez, one should approach its treatment in a complex way. Together with antibacterial drugs should take vitamins and immunostimulants. After treatment gardnerelleza must adhere to a number of rules: have one sexual partner, do not abuse douching and do not use antibiotics without a good reason (or take them along with probiotics).

Thus, despite the simplicity of diagnosis and treatment, this disease can pose a real threat to women's reproductive health. This is manifested in the appearance of inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis and ovaries. Subsequently, this leads to infertility and the formation of adhesions in the small pelvis. Therefore, in order to avoid these troubles, it is important to comply with all measures in preventing gardnerellez.