Inflammation of the labia

Inflammation in the small and large labia, called vulvitis in medical practice, occurs in the female half of society of all ages. This disease is transferred quite painfully and delivers many problems. Women of reproductive age may be accompanied by inflammation of the vagina and urethra.

Inflammation of the labia - the reasons for the appearance

Any inflammatory process of the lower part of the genitourinary system in its etiology can be specific and nonspecific. The most common cause of inflammation of the labia in women is a nonspecific infection. This is usually an E. coli , streptococci, staphylococcus, yeast fungi, all the so-called representatives of the opportunistic microflora. It is possible that the appearance of inflammation of the female labia and as a result of infection with specific bacteria that are transmitted sexually.

Also have the following factors for inflammation of the inner and outer labia:

Inflammation of the labia is classified as primary and secondary. The first to be most affected are small girls and elderly women, as inflammation develops as a result of external stimuli, such as non-compliance with hygiene or mucosal trauma.

Vulvit as a secondary manifestation is considered in cases of the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes of other organs. Most often, secondary inflammation in the small and large labia occurs in women of reproductive age.

Inflammation of the labia - treatment and symptoms

In itself, the inflammation of the small and large labia is not a pleasant sensation, requiring compulsory treatment. It often appears:

Such symptomatology is not enough, which brings a lot of inconveniences, can have a number of negative consequences in the future. It is especially important to take urgent measures to eliminate inflammation in girls. Since, as a result of untimely cured vulvitis, small scars can appear in small patients at the healing sites, in addition, the surface of the mucous membranes deforms, an adhesive process occurs with possible fusion of the labia minora. In the future, this will affect the quality of sexual life, in the worst case, can lead to infertility.

Therefore, it is quite advisable to ask: how to treat the inflammation of the labia immediately after the appearance of the slightest prerequisites for the disease.

The only correct solution in the treatment of inflammation of the external genital organs, both in adults and in children, is to consult a specialist. It is important to determine the cause of the problem, because as mentioned above, there can be many. Until the appointment of a physician therapy with a doctor to eliminate acute symptoms, you can use folk medicine - to do baths and wash the broths of herbs.