Soup with shrimps - recipe

Recipes of soups with shrimps are found in almost all the cuisines of countries that originally ate seafood. Later, when shrimps moved from the rank of delicacy to a series of conventional products, recipes of cheese or tomato soup with shrimp appeared in the arsenal of culinary experts around the world.

The recipe for popular Japanese miso soup with shrimps is part of the mandatory program of Japanese chefs. And in Thailand is popular hot soup tom-yam-kung, cooked on the basis of shrimp, mushrooms and coconut milk with the addition of a large number of spices.

From European traditional recipes, you can note cream soup with shrimp-buyabes, which is cooked in Provencal from fish or from fish with shrimps and other seafood with vegetables. Not less popular was the Italian corbaccio, tomato soup, which, in addition to shrimp, includes several types of fish, seafood, red wine and mashed tomatoes.

On whatever recipe for the soup with shrimp you do not stop, remember that the shrimps are cooked no more than 3-5 minutes in boiling water. If the cooking mode is disturbed, the meat will become stiff and viscous. Ready-made shrimps acquire a bright pink or orange color and float to the surface. To get juicy and tasty shrimp meat, leave the soup with shrimp to infuse under the lid for 15-20 minutes.

Recipes of soups with shrimps

A classic recipe for soup with shrimp

Shrimp should be cleaned, add peeled and cut into tomato slices, crushed garlic, chopped dill greens, bay leaf and 1 l. water, put on medium fire.

Finely chopped onion is parsed on sunflower oil and added to the soup. Also sent to the soup is a diluted broth tomato paste, washed rice and sliced ​​greens of cilantro or parsley. The soup should be seasoned, peppered, cooked until rice is ready. If the soup is too thick, it can be diluted with hot boiled water.

Recipe cream soup with shrimp, squid and cauliflower

At 1 liter. you will need water:

Shrimps are cooked until ready and cleaned of shells. The squid fillet is boiled and cut into strips.

In the boiling after boiling shrimp and squid broth, small-sliced ​​vegetables, browned on oil, are added, after 15 minutes - small inflorescences of cauliflower. The soup is cooked until the cabbage is ready, then it is pulled out and ground with a blender. Cabbage, squid and shrimp are added to the broth, bring the soup to a boil, season with spices and herbs, fill with cream. Before serving, the soup should be infused for about 20 minutes.

Recipe for Cheese Soup with Shrimps

At 2.5 liters. water it is necessary:

Water boil, add and add finely diced potatoes. Sliced ​​onions and carrots rubbed on a small grater are diced in vegetable oil until golden brown and added to the water to the potatoes. Then the shrimp are sent to the soup. Cheese is rubbed on a large grater, add to the soup, which is cooked until the cheese dissolves completely. After switching off the soup seasoned with greens and served with breadcrumbs.