How to keep a child in a column?

Many young people who have become parents for the first time and have no experience of communicating with young children often experience fear of newborns, because they are afraid of hurting the child. From the very first days of the baby's life, parents often have to take it in their arms and wear it. It is important to do this correctly.

The main way to wear newborns is to posture a "post". Therefore, in this article, we will consider why and how to properly keep a newborn child in a column.

Why should I keep a bar?

The opinions of doctors and parents about the need to keep in such a position the child diverge. Some consider it unnatural for a newborn, others talk about its usefulness.

The benefit of wearing a pillar is as follows:

The exact time, how many it is necessary to keep the child in a column, is not present. Keep in this position it is necessary until the moment he makes a belching air or regurgitate. Usually it takes 30-45 seconds. It is recommended to wear it in posture after each feeding, to prevent the accumulation of gases in the stomach in children.

How to keep the child's post correctly?

To position the column was correct:

The head and neck of the baby must be placed on the shoulder, and the trunk should be placed vertically. Its position should be similar to a hook.
  1. With one hand, gently press the child's neck, with the index finger holding the head in the ear area.
  2. The second hand to support the trunk, trying to distribute the load evenly along the spine, it is better in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. It is very important not to press hard, but to hold tight, but gently and gently.
  3. The legs of the child must be level, only if he did not press them himself.

Mom, who in this position is carrying a child, you need to keep your back straight and spread your shoulders well, then the load on your hands will be less.

To lift in such position of the child it is necessary smoothly, differently it is possible to provoke excessive regurgitation at the newborn. You can hold a baby with one hand, but you must hold your head, so children do not know how to do it or do it uncertainly.

This position is convenient not only to the child, but also to the adult who takes it in his arms. Holding a newborn with a column, it is very easy to change its position: sit, lie down, get up, walk.

Whether you keep a child in a bar or not, depends only on your desire.