Gymnastics for newborns

Motor activity is very important for the child, since the first days of his life. Thanks to movements, the kid learns the surrounding world, grows and develops. Since all the systems of human life are closely interrelated, the movements improve blood circulation, and the metabolic processes in the body of the baby are regulated. Gymnastics and physical activity are necessary for every child from an early age.

Gymnastics for newborns is an important stage of caring for the baby. Depending on the age of the child, it is necessary to carry out various exercises that contribute to the development of his body and psyche. Gymnastics for a newborn child should be started from the second week of his life.

Gymnastics for the youngest

Starting from the 8th day of life, you can stroke the hands, legs, abdomen and back of the newborn. Movements should be carried out in this order - from the feet of the baby to the hips, from the hands to the shoulders. The stomach and back need to be gently stroked in different directions. Particular attention should be paid to the intercostal spaces and chest. Also, you need to gently and easily bend and unbend the baby's arms and legs.

Massage for newborns

Massage can be carried out from the second week of life and up to six months. After six months, this procedure is recommended for children who are lagging behind in physical development. Also, as a prophylaxis, massage can be done and absolutely healthy children over six months. Massage should be done about an hour before meals. Begin with light strokes, then smoothly move to more intense movements. The most useful elements of massage for newborns are grinding, patting, warming-up. For newborns, local back massage is extremely useful. During the massage with the baby you need to talk softly and gently. Movements should be done slowly and gently.

Gymnastics for newborns after 1.5 months

Up to three months, children have increased muscle tone. In this regard, gymnastics for newborns is based on reflex movements. Reflex movements - the movements of the baby in response to the irritation of his skin. The child should be spread on the stomach so that he lifts his head. In this position, the palm should be applied to his feet - the baby begins to crawl. Also, it is necessary to develop grasping movements in the newborn. To do this, it is necessary to attach various objects to his hands.

Gymnastics for newborns after 3 months

After three months, you should include exercises that stimulate the baby to independent movements. To do this, you need to cross the child's arms on the chest, bend and unbend the legs, lift it lying behind the handle. Starting at 4 months old, the baby tries to crouch on his own, holding his hands with his mother's. At 5 months the child starts to sit down, at 8 - tries to get on his feet. To do this, he needs constant support from his parents.

Gymnastics for newborns on the ball

Gymnastics for the newborn on the ball can be carried out from the first weeks of life. For this, a large gymnastic latex ball is used. The baby should be slightly rocked on the ball, spread it on the stomach or on the back. Exercises on the ball develop the child's vestibular apparatus, soothe it and relax.

Dynamic gymnastics for newborns

Dynamic gymnastics is based on short-term tension and relaxation of various muscle groups in the baby, starting from the first days of life. Many exercises of dynamic gymnastics for newborns are carried out in the water. This gymnastics is considered highly effective in combating many congenital diseases of the motor system. Exercise is recommended only after consultation with the instructor.

Gymnastics and massage for newborns is an important part of their healthy development. Spending 20-30 minutes a day on exercise, parents make a huge contribution to the health of the baby.