Pine kidneys - medicinal properties

One of the wonderful natural doctors is pine. Its needles are used in the treatment of various diseases, but the unopened spring buds of the pine also use for healing purposes, because they contain tar, vitamins B, K, C and R, starch, essential oil, carotene, tannins.

Collection of pine buds

Prepare pine buds before the beginning of dissolution - in February and March. To preserve all their useful properties, you need:

What are the benefits of pine buds?

Have you learned about the healing properties of pine buds and want to use them in treatment? Then, first of all, you need to make a decoction out of them. To do this, pour 200 ml of warm water into enameled dishes, which can be tightly closed, and add 1 tablespoon of pine buds, cover and place for 20-30 minutes in a water bath. Then strain, cool and bring boiled water to the original volume.

When pregnant, pine buds will help bring down the temperature. To make a medicine, you need 100 g of kidney, 50 g of raspberry root and 100 g of sugar mixed and put in a jar of glass. Pour all 200 ml of hot water and leave for 20-26 hours, after which it will be necessary to heat the infusion for 8 hours in a water bath. After 2 days you will see that a deposit has formed, it is necessary to strain the product and store it in a cool, dark place. Take it 10-20 ml before meals several times a day.

A wonderful diaphoretic is also tea from pine buds. For every 10 g of raw material take 1 glass of hot water. Before brewing pine buds, it is best to lightly chop them. They drink tea for 2 tbsp. spoons three times a day, but if you use it as an expectorant, you should increase the dose to 4 tbsp. spoons.

With ARVI help to kill the pathogenic microflora of the oral cavity and nasopharynx can inhalation or extract of pine buds. To prepare the extract, it is necessary to infuse or decoction on a small fire until exactly half of the liquid volume evaporates, and for inhalation 0.5 liters of water is taken 3 tbsp. spoon the kidneys (crushed) and bring to a boil, and then breathe for a few minutes the resulting vapor.

In addition to useful properties, pine buds have contraindications. So, they can not be taken to people suffering from kidney diseases - nephritis and nephrosis.

Therapeutic properties of pine buds

The benefit of pine buds, first of all, is that the decoction of them is an excellent expectorant, he:

In addition, the useful qualities of pine buds are manifested in the fact that they have a hemostatic, diuretic, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. Also, pine buds are the basis for breastfeeding. Tincture, broth and infusion of them are taken internally with pneumonia , cholelithiasis, kidney and ulcer diseases.

Treatment with pine buds is effective in tuberculosis. As an antituberculous agent use alcohol tincture. Decoction of pine buds in folk medicine is also used for dropsy and chronic rashes, the vapors are used for inhalation in bronchitis.

Useful properties of pine buds have been known for a long time. Our ancestors even believed that they extend a person's life, protecting the body from premature aging, so they added to their daily diet a few grams of dried pollen from the newly emerged buds.