Belly at 15 weeks gestation

In the period of expectation of the baby in the outlines of the female silhouette there are major changes. With each week the baby in the mother's womb increases in size, due to which the belly of the future mother grows. In addition, the figure of a woman changes in a number of other parameters.

In this article, we will consider what size of the belly should be in the future mother at the time of 15 weeks of pregnancy, and what feelings she may experience during this period.

Size and appearance of the abdomen at 14-15 weeks gestation

Since the baby by this time has grown significantly, in most cases, the tummy of the future mother is visually also increased. This is especially noticeable in those women who expect the birth of the second or subsequent child. Meanwhile, do not be afraid if the stomach at the 15th week of pregnancy does not grow at all.

Many women before this time can not see any changes in the figure, except for the "disappearance" of the waist. Nevertheless, it is after the 15th week that the stomach often protrudes instantly, after which its growth continues quite rapidly.

In some cases, on the contrary, women at the 15th week of pregnancy have a too large belly. As a rule, it has a triangular shape, which is due to the peculiarities of the location of the baby in the uterus. If the circumference of the abdomen does not exceed 80 cm, the future mother has nothing to worry about. Otherwise, you should consult your doctor for polyhydramnios.

In addition, at a period of 15 weeks of pregnancy on the abdomen of a future mother, a dark pigment strip often appears . As a rule, at this time it is located closer to the bottom, but after several weeks its size will increase, as a result of which it will be noticeable, starting from the navel. To survive due to such changes is not necessary - after childbirth this strip will disappear by itself, and after it there will be no trace.

Sensations in the abdomen at the gestational age of 14-15 weeks

Repeated women during this period can already notice the movements of the baby. If the expectant mother expects the birth of the first-born, she will have to wait long enough. Meanwhile, the vast majority of women at 15 weeks gestation note that they have a sore or pulling stomach.

This is due to stretching the muscles of the uterus and, although usually this pain is quite tolerable, it delivers to the expectant mother a lot of uncomfortable sensations. Meanwhile, if it is accompanied by low intensity fights, spotting or aching pain in the lower back, you should always consult a doctor. Perhaps there is a threat of miscarriage, which can be very dangerous at this time of pregnancy.