17 week of pregnancy - how does the baby change, and what does mom feel?

The period of bearing a baby is a crucial stage in the life of every woman. Throughout the gestation period the organism undergoes many changes. An exception is not the 17th week of pregnancy, in which the baby carries out the first movements.

17 weeks of pregnancy - this is how many months?

The obstetricians always determine the duration of gestation for the first day of a woman's period. The duration of pregnancy is indicated in weeks. For this reason, many expectant mothers have difficulty translating weeks into months. This is easy if you know some features of the calculation algorithm.

To facilitate the calculations, doctors take the duration of one obstetric month for 4 weeks, regardless of their number in the calendar. In this case, each month contains exactly 30 days. To translate the period specified by the doctor in weeks, you need to divide it by 4. It turns out, 17 weeks of pregnancy - 4 months and 1 week. There is already 5 months of pregnancy , and until the time of delivery there are more than 20 weeks.

17 week of pregnancy - what happens to the baby?

The child at the 17th week of pregnancy continues its active development. Internal organs and systems are being improved. The subcutaneous fat begins to develop rapidly. This is brown fat, due to which the baby will receive energy during the first days of life. The musculoskeletal system is also being improved. The amount of bone tissue increases, due to which the bones become stiffer.

Cardiovascular system is active. The heart, as its central organ, is constantly shrinking. The doctor, when examined by a pregnant woman, always evaluates her work. At this time the number of heartbeats can reach 160, which is considered the norm. The visual apparatus also develops. The eyes of the baby are still closed, but it is able to catch light beams - when you direct it to the surface of the abdomen, the motor activity of the fetus increases.

17 weeks of pregnancy - fetal size

The fruit grows every day. By this time, its mass reaches 115-160 g. It does not lag behind body weight and growth. The size of the fetus in 17 weeks of pregnancy from the heels to the crown is 18-20 cm. It should be noted that the anthropometric parameters depend on many factors, so the values ​​given are averaged. The height and weight of the future baby is determined by:

Pregnancy 17 weeks - development of the fetus

At 17 weeks gestation, the development of the baby's future involves the activation of his own immune system. At this time in the body begin to synthesize interferon and immunoglobulin. However, it is still poorly developed, therefore the main protective function belongs to the placenta. By this point, the kidneys are completing their normal position.

A little above them form the adrenal glands - glandular formations that synthesize hormones. These biological compounds take part in the metabolism and are already active when the 17th week of pregnancy is on. As a result, the endocrine system of the fetus is activated. In addition, the nervous system is also improved. The infant's movements become more coordinated: he easily finds the handle of his mouth, sucks his thumb for a long time.

What does the fetus look like on the 17th week of pregnancy?

The fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy is only remotely like a newborn baby. His skin still has a red tint and is covered on the outside with a lot of small hairs - lanugo. This fluff takes a direct part in the processes of thermoregulation, contributing to the maintenance of a constant temperature of the fetal body.

The facial part of the skull changes. The facial features become more expressive. Ears a little lowered and take their correct position. When there is a 17 week gestation, the fetal eyes are still closed. On the edges of the eyelids of some babies appear small cilia, which grow rapidly. On the surface of the head, ultrasound can be seen short hair that has not yet been painted.

Fetal movement at 17 weeks gestation

Twitches at the 17th week of pregnancy can be recorded only by women of different genres. Sensations experienced in this case, women describe in different ways. Some future mothers compare them with a slight tickle, butterfly flutter, others describe single, subtle jerks. It is worth noting that the intensity of movements increases with the increase in the period, so women who are expecting a second child, fix the movements a week later. As for the primiparas, they feel the perturbations by the 20th week of pregnancy. Among the factors that affect the time of the first movements:

17th Week of Pregnancy - What Happens to Mom?

Talking about what changes are accompanied by the 17th week of pregnancy, what happens in the mother's body, doctors pay attention to the constantly increasing body weight. So, every week the future mother adds 450-900 g. This is due to the rapid growth of the fetal and uterus body, the increase in the volume of amniotic fluid. In addition, the volume of blood increases.

Chest changes. The glandular tissue grows, due to which the bust volume increases. Areolearnaya area on the background of hormonal changes becomes dark brown in color, and the nipples increase. Many women notice an increase in the sensitivity of the breast, sometimes notice soreness with a sharp and accidental touch. Against the backdrop of hormonal changes, when pressing on the nipples appears a clear liquid, which in later terms turns into colostrum.

17th week of pregnancy - sensation of a woman

At the gestation period of 17 weeks, the development of the fetus and the sensation of the expectant mother are due to the rapid growth of the small organism. An increase in the size of a future baby leads to an increase in the pressure exerted on the internal organs. Due to the fact that the uterus begins to press more strongly against the diaphragm, many pregnant women notice the appearance of shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.

When the 17th week of pregnancy comes, the sensations of the pregnant cause the hormonal background - shifts and mood swings are observed often. Nervousness, irritability, exhaust the woman, worsen relations with relatives and relatives. In addition, there are itching of the skin in the abdomen and chest, caused by overgrowth of the skin. As a result of such changes, the first stretch marks may appear. To prevent their increase, doctors recommend using special creams and ointments.

The abdomen is 17 weeks pregnant

The uterus at the 17th week of pregnancy is located 3.5 cm above the navel. Obstetricians measure the height of the standing of the uterine fundus from the pubic articulation. Normally, the indicator is 17 cm by this time. In connection with this, the stomach protrudes considerably forward, and the woman is forced to choose a pose for sleeping. Preferred is the position lying on the left side (when the woman lies on her back, the uterus presses on the hollow vein).

The stomach is gradually rounded. Its growth at the 17th week of pregnancy is noted mainly in the upper third, in the region of the uterine fundus. Its size directly depends on the type of implantation and the location of the fetus. If the placenta is attached low or on the back of the uterus, then the expectant mother will not have a large belly by the 17th week of pregnancy. It is worth noting that the lean pregnant women have a bigger belly.

Allocations at week 17 of pregnancy

The seventeenth week of pregnancy is not accompanied by a normal change in the nature of vaginal discharge. They, as before, are mild, light, slightly whitish in color. In some cases, there may be a slight sour smell (due to the vital activity of the beneficial microflora). The change in the nature, color and volume of secretions should alert the pregnant woman.

Yellow, green, brown discharge, h unpleasant odor, foreign inclusions, foaming character are a sign of pathology. Often against the background of hormonal changes in pregnant women occurs activation of chronic inflammatory processes, which turn into an acute form. To diagnose the cause, a thorough examination is necessary:

Pain at week 17 of pregnancy

The fifth month of pregnancy is accompanied by increased fetal growth. As a result, the burden on the maternal organism increases. Many pregnant women notice the appearance of pain in the back and lower back, which intensify in the evening. The cause of the appearance of painful sensations may be a change in the center of gravity due to a fast-growing abdomen.

Special attention should be paid to painful sensations in the lower third of the abdomen in the groin area. Doctors admit single cases of short-term pains. They are caused by a stretching of the lumbar apparatus of the small pelvis. Anxiety in pregnant women should cause pain in the aching, cramping character, which with time grows or is accompanied by spotting from the vagina. Often, this is observed with placental abruption.

Second screening at 17 weeks

The optimal time for the second screening test is the interval from 16 to 20 weeks. Ultrasound at the 17th week of pregnancy is performed within the framework of this complex of examinations. It includes a biochemical blood test. It is worth noting that the second screening is carried out according to the indications or in the presence of abnormalities revealed during the first study. At the time of 17 weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound determines:

If there is a suspicion of genetic abnormalities, a biochemical blood test is performed. The following indicators are evaluated in the implementation:

Dangers at the 17th week of pregnancy

The term of 17 weeks of pregnancy is a relatively safe period of gestation. However, complications are possible at this time. Among the common dangers: