8 facts about the male body, of which you precisely did not know!

It's hard to believe this, but inside the male body there are so many surprises. And about some of them even the representatives of the stronger sex do not know.

We decided to open the veil of secrecy and tell about the eight most interesting facts, after which the attitude towards men (probably even in themselves) will change.

1. Slow aging

A man's face retains youth a little longer than a woman's. All because the concentration of collagen in the skin of a man decreases significantly more slowly. Accordingly, the epidermis retains its freshness and resistance to wrinkles or wrinkles longer.

On the other hand, men are not following closely with them, because their skin becomes more susceptible to external stimuli. Because of what all the natural advantages are reduced to almost zero.

2. Ability to lactemia

This is not a mistake! Men also have glands that can produce milk. Here, only its production is considered an abnormal phenomenon for the male body. Milk begins to be actively developed when the amount of prolactin in the body increases. This happens on the background of cardiac diseases, problems with the pituitary or hypothalamus, the use of opioids or a prolonged rigid diet.

3. The stages of alopecia

Representatives of the stronger sex like to believe that the genetic propensity to baldness is transmitted to them exclusively with the parent X chromosomes. But there are other factors that affect hair loss. For example, if the father of a man is bald, then his chances of losing his head of hair increase by 60%. The activity of hair follicles is also affected by male hormones. If they are too many or vice versa - little, new hair will gradually stop growing. The risk of baldness increases and stresses with unsuitable diets.

4. Premenstrual Syndrome

It sounds wild, of course, but 26% of men have PMS. On such days the representatives of the stronger sex become too sensitive, irritable, constantly feel hungry, and some even suffer from gastric cramps. That is, in fact, men have to worry almost the same as women.

5. All of them in the past were women

All people on the planet begin their existence as women. For the sex of the child, the X and Y chromosomes respond. When you join two X, a girl appears. For the birth of the boy, the combination X + Y is responsible. Since up to 5 - 6 weeks Y is inactive, until this point all the embryos develop girls.

6. Thick skin

For the thickness of the skin meets the male hormone testosterone. It provides almost 25% more rigidity. But over time, the male epidermis becomes thinner. While in women, the thickness of the skin does not change until the menopause.

7. Adam's apple

Have you ever wondered why it is needed? And why men have an Adam's apple much more than women. On the neck of the fair sex - only a small ledge, and its main function - the protection of the vocal cords. And for men - an apple.

This cartilage is also responsible for the timbre of the voice. In adolescence, the Adam's apple begins to increase in size, the voice breaks down and, as a result, becomes rougher.

8. Color perception

The problem is that men are really able to distinguish much less shades than women. It's laid down on the genetic level, so it's time to stop asking the impossible. Perceptions of color correspond to special cells in the retina of the eye, which in women are twice as large due to the presence in the genetic code of two X chromosomes.