Salads for shish kebab

Shish kebab is good and tasty, but salads are also needed. Traditionally, it is customary to prepare shish kebab for light salads that perfectly match the taste of meat and do not take the place of the central dish on the festive table. So, considering what salad to cook for a shish kebab, immediately give up complex, multicomponent compositions, our motto is - the simpler, the better. Many even do without any salad recipes for a shish kebab, just slicing fresh vegetables and nicely laying them on plates.

Light salad

Salads like this like everyone. After all, what could be better for shish kebab than salads from fresh vegetables, lightly flavored with aromatic herbs?



Cut cabbage with straw. Dill and green onions are not very finely chopped, the onion is cut into thin semicircles. We put everything in a container that has a lid. Add pepper, vinegar, finely torn basil leaves and pepper. Close the container and cover for 3 minutes. Saladik for this time is mixed, soaked and it can be laid out on a plate and served to the table.

Salad of baked vegetables

In the Armenian cuisine are traditional salads for shish kebab from baked vegetables. Try to cook this one.



String tomatoes, eggplants and peppers on the skewer and bake over hot coals until cooked until they are completely soft. If the skin becomes black during the preparation process, it is not terrible, it still needs to be cleaned. We remove the prepared vegetables from the skewers, cool and peel. Further, the vegetables are crushed, they are soft, so they can be suppressed simply with a fork. We add finely chopped greens, garlic and hot pepper. Stir and salt. Salad is perfect for shish kebab and they will definitely be satisfied with the ladies who follow the figure, since there is not a drop of butter or mayonnaise in the salad.

Turkish salad

Another delicious cold salad for shish kebab, this time from Turkish cuisine.



We cut thin (as thin as possible) semicircles onions. We put it in a deep plate, add salt and rub it with hands to make the onion give a liquid. Pour water and leave for 5 minutes to get rid of bitterness. So rinse the onions several more times. To the washed onions we add sumac - the measures can be ignored, the more, the better - the taste will only benefit. Chop parsley and lettuce leaves - you can also break with hands. Add them to the onions, season with olive oil, salt and mix well. Salad is ready, you can serve it with shish kebab.

By the way, if anyone does not know, sumac is a seasoning of red-violet with an acidic taste. If you find a problem in the stores, you can replace it with lemon juice or vinegar, but you still prefer to use soup - a Turkish salad.

Salad from tomatoes and cucumbers with original dressing

The simplest and most beloved salad of tomatoes and cucumbers is ideal for shish kebab, especially if it is not filled with butter, but with ketchup.



We cut tomatoes and cucumbers into slices or cubes, as you are used to. Grind the onion. Fold all the vegetables in a bowl, stir. We fill it with ketchup, pepper and salt and mix again. Grind the greens and add the salad, again all the while stirring well. If the greens do not like everything, then you can apply for it separately.