Restoration of the nervous system

The life of the organism is impossible without the interaction of its various functions performed by these or those organs. They, in turn, can not act harmoniously, without getting nervous impulses. Nervous impulses are an agitation, it is transmitted to the organs. The nervous system is necessary for the human body to perceive the environment (external and internal) and to transmit the reaction. From this small introduction, you understand how important it is to protect the nervous system , the disorders of which lead to diseases of the whole organism, or rather, to the violation of its functions. Whether it is possible to restore the nervous system and how to do it - this topic is devoted to this material.

How can I restore the nervous system?

Needless to say, the life of a modern woman is literally full of stresses, emotional overloads, overstrain, feelings. All this is the cause of the unsteady nerves. Signs of problems with the nervous system, the so-called "first bells" - is insomnia , constant irritability, anxiety for no apparent reason, frequent headaches, decreased appetite or gluttony, even hysterics and depression. How can you restore the nervous system, so to speak, "without interruption from production," without leaving for the mountains, a deserted island or a Tibetan monastery? It turns out, you can! Moreover, details of how to restore the central nervous system are described below. Every woman should know about these measures, and not just know, but apply them, because without them it is simply impossible to withstand the rhythm of modern life, while remaining healthy and beautiful. The most important thing is not to run the problem, but act quickly.

  1. Rest - that's what a depleted nervous system needs! Of course, ideally you need to go to the sea or mountains, away from problems and complicating factors, but this method is not available to everyone. If this is not possible, just change the situation - go to the country or out of town, at least for a couple of days. Try not to communicate with anyone from the "past life", not to discuss the problems even by phone. Better just walk, listen to the birds singing, look at the flowers. If you can not afford this, just close yourself at home, turn off the phone and relax - watch comedy movies, listen to music, take foam baths. Spoil yourself with idleness for at least a couple of days, and your nervous system will be refreshed.
  2. Sleep - the best "drug", restoring the nervous system. This is true, because chronic lack of sleep interferes with resting the brain, as a result of a failure of the neurochemical processes and massive death of brain cells! Sleep at least eight hours, in a dark, cool room, and after a week you will feel much better, calm and good mood will return.
  3. How to restore the nervous system quickly? Start it properly "feed". Strict diets for her are harmful, because for the normal operation of the nervous system you need energy. Therefore, do not neglect cereals, cereals, bananas, include seafood, fruits, vegetables, honey and olive oil in the diet. Occasionally pamper yourself with your favorite cakes and chocolate, the dose of serotonin will be tired nerves only for the good.
  4. Your nervous system will be strengthened also thanks to medicinal herbs. The most effective, "gently" acting soothing are melissa, passionflower, mint, valerian, hops. Today they are based on excellent drugs.
  5. Take several methods from this list, and better - apply everything at once: rest, adjust the ration, get enough sleep and start taking phytopreparations, and soon your nervous system will return to normal.