Why is a child often sick with colds?

To be fully armed when ORZ visits your home, it is important to know why a child often suffers from cold illnesses. This will allow the use of adequate preventive measures.

What is the most common cause of colds in babies?

To date, the reasons for which a child often suffers from acute respiratory infections, there are many known. Among them:

  1. Reduced immunity. The immune system is formed up to three years, which perfectly explains why, for example, a child of up to a year often suffers from cold illnesses. In turn, weak immunity is a consequence of such conditions dangerous for the baby, such as:

If your child usually suffers from colds several times a season, but at the same time tolerates it easily and feels relatively good, this is not a sign of reduced immunity. Children with a weakened immune system often suffer from complications of ARVI.

  • A meeting with a bacterium or a virus that the child's body has not encountered before. In the autumn-spring period of epidemics, every second child is very often sick with colds, as the protective antibodies do not have time to develop various pathogens.
  • Hastiness of parents. If you send a child to a garden or school is not completely healthy, do not be surprised why a child often suffers from ARVI. A weak body is prone to relapse when exposed to negative environmental factors, so the development of bacterial infection, accompanied by serious complications, is not ruled out.
  • Understand why a child is very often sick, sometimes very simple. Parents who are constantly they wrap their children around, do not walk very much with them in the open air and do not provide him with a varied diet, they risk his health to a great extent.
  • Traditionally, an infant is often ill with colds if he is on artificial feeding. After all, the mother's milk contains compounds that are a natural panacea for harmful microorganisms.
  • If your baby is diagnosed with ARI not more often than 5-6 times a year, this is considered the norm. Frequently ill small patients are those who are treated for a cold more than this value.