36 weeks gestation - pulls the bottom of the abdomen

Often, women who are expecting the birth of a baby panic when at 36 weeks of pregnancy they have a lower abdomen. As a rule, such a phenomenon is regarded by doctors as a norm, and indicates an early delivery. Let's consider this situation in more detail, and we will name the main reasons for the appearance of painful sensations at such a gestation period.

Why does the pregnant woman pull the lower abdomen in 36 weeks?

First of all, it must be taken into account that the last trimester of pregnancy is the period in which the most intensive growth of the baby occurs. The uterus stretches more and more, resulting in an increase in pressure on nearby organs and tissues. At the same time there is a shift in the center of gravity due to the ovulation of the fetus.

It is also necessary to say that changes in the hormonal background contribute to the softening of the joints, the lone articulation. It is because of this at 36 weeks and pulls the lower abdomen.

In addition to the above, one should not forget about training bouts, which for the first time can be observed already at the 20th week of gestation. By the end of pregnancy their frequency is significantly increased.

In what cases is pulling pain at the end of gestation a cause for concern?

However, despite the above-described reasons, when the belly pulls on the belly at 35-36 weeks, the expectant mother should inform the doctor about it. After all, in some cases, this symptomatology can indicate a violation.

Thus, in particular, such signs may indicate premature or partial placental abruption, which requires hospitalization and stimulation of the birth process.

In addition, often women in the 36-37 weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen in the presence of malnutrition. Such a violation can lead to a complication of gestation, such as fetal hypoxia, which requires monitoring of the baby's condition.