Acyclovir for children

Acyclovir is a drug that has an antiviral effect. It is available in the form of a cream and ointment for external use, ointments for the eyes, and also in the form of tablets. Usually, acyclovir is prescribed to children for the treatment of herpes.

Can I give acyclovir to children?

Acyclovir tablets can be given to children older than one year, since its effect on the body of the infant is not fully understood. Children over one month can undergo treatment with ointment, because it has a direct effect on herpes viruses.

A doctor may prescribe acyclovir in case of a child's disease with chicken pox. However, until a year, children rarely get chickenpox. With chickenpox it is used both topically and inwardly.

Acyclovir ointment for children: indications for use

Ointment is successfully used to treat viruses of herpes simplex, tinea and chicken pox. Acyclovir can be used as a prophylactic against herpes against the background of a general decrease in immunity (for example, after a course of chemotherapy, HIV-infected).

To treat children up to one year, acyclovir is not often used, but its toxic effect on the body of a newborn baby is not proven.

Dosage of tablets of acyclovir

Tablets are given in the following dosage:

In especially severe cases, treatment can be extended to ten days. In order to prevent recurrence of the disease, an alternative method of treatment can be used: 400 mg of acyclovir every 12 hours. Every six months, it is necessary to take a break in treatment to assess the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

To treat shingles, a child older than 3 years is prescribed 800 mg of medication every 6 hours.

Dosage of the ointment of acyclovir

When determining the dosage of ointment should be based on the weight of the child (not more than 80 mg per kilogram of the weight of the baby, not more than 0.25 grams per 25 square centimeters of the damaged skin area). Children over 12 years - at a rate not more than 125 mg per 25 square cm. Ointment is applied to the damaged skin every 4 hours, with a break at night. The full course of treatment is five days. If the rash on the skin does not disappear completely, then you can extend the treatment for another 5 days.

For the treatment of generalized infection in a newborn child caused by the herpes simplex virus, the doctor can prescribe acyclovir every 8 hours at a dosage of 10 mg per kilogram of the child's weight. The full course of treatment is ten days.

Dosage of eye cream acyclovir

The acyclovir cream is used to treat ocular viral diseases (herpetic keratitis). He is placed in the conjunctival sac at least 5 times a day, making a break for the night. The course of treatment is at least 7 days. After the disappearance of the main symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to continue using the cream for another three days.

During treatment, it is important to increase the amount of fluid consumed by the baby.

Acyclovir: adverse reactions

Like any remedy, acyclovir has a number of adverse reactions, which, if found, should immediately stop treatment and seek medical help. The following symptoms are noted:

In particularly severe cases with intravenous administration to children older than two years there may be strong adverse reactions from

It should be remembered that the long-term use of acyclovir can cause addiction to the body, as a result of which the drug will no longer be sensitive to strains of viruses. Therefore, if possible, short-term courses of treatment should be conducted (10-12 days).