First aid with open fracture

An open fracture is the most severe damage, in which not only the integrity of the bone but also the tissues surrounding it is disturbed.

With an open fracture, there are several hazards:

To prevent complications and in some cases to save the life of the victim, it is necessary to provide first aid. Part of it consists in calling an ambulance - qualified specialists who have the necessary equipment for hospitalization and treatment.

But also important is the behavior of others before the arrival of an ambulance - an ordinary person is obliged to alleviate the condition of the patient with the help of elementary methods of rendering first aid. In most cases, this helps prevent complications and shorten the recovery time.

First aid with an open shin fracture

  1. First of all, the lower leg should be given the correct position: remove the shoes (because of the growing swelling it will then be difficult to do), with one hand holding the leg behind the heel and the other by the fingers.
  2. The second task is to stop the bleeding. Treat the wound with a disinfectant and apply a tight bandage, preferably sterile. Write a note with the time of applying the bandage and attach it above the wound, so as not to forget to take it off on time.
  3. When performing the first steps, give the patient an analgesic.
  4. Now fix the shin to prevent more damage - use handy tools - boards and other straight inflexible objects. Fix at once two joints, ankle and knee, putting "tires" on each side.

First aid with open thigh fracture

  1. First of all, you need to give the victim an analgesic and put on your back.
  2. Then apply a tourniquet above the injury to relieve bleeding. Also leave a note above the injury with the time of bandaging.
  3. Now you need to treat the wound with a disinfectant (or ordinary water) and apply a sterile bandage.
  4. Fix the fracture with the help of a tire or improvised means in the position in which it is, without attempting to fix it.
  5. Prepare ammonia to prevent the victim from fainting .

First aid with an open fracture of the forearm

  1. Give the patient an analgesic to prevent traumatic shock.
  2. Apply a tourniquet at the fracture site or push the artery in the armpit to reduce bleeding. When applying a tourniquet, leave a note about the time of its application so that the doctors can remove it on time.
  3. Lock the shoulder and elbow joints with a tire or any handy tool - an umbrella, ski poles, boards, etc.
  4. In case of severe trauma, prepare ammonia to bring the victim to the senses.