Adelfan's analogue, rapidly lowering the pressure

The drug Adelphan causes a persistent lowering of blood pressure, but recently it is considered somewhat obsolete. Is there an analogue of Adelphan, just as quickly lowering the pressure, but at the same time modern? Yes, there is such a tool and its use will avoid many unpleasant side effects.

Features of Adelphan application

One of the most popular drugs in the past, from pressure, Adelphan, operates due to the complex effect of its two main components - reserpine and dihydralysin. They cause relaxation of the walls of blood vessels affecting the central nervous system, as well as reduce the number of heartbeats. And that, and another property is not useful for our body, but in those cases when the causes of hypertension are unknown, the drug allows you to relatively quickly adjust the situation. The consequences of using tablets from Adelphan pressure can be depressing:

An overdose of the drug is also manifested by unpleasant symptoms:

In addition, Adelphan is categorically contraindicated in pregnancy, in the treatment of children under 18 years of age, people with heart disease, kidney and liver, as well as epilepsy.

Not surprisingly, pharmacists have seriously taken care of the search for a structural analogue of this drug without such pronounced side effects. The process was successful - the drug Adelphan-Ezidrex appeared, which, in addition to the components of Adelphan, has substances that reduce their adverse effects on the body.

The scheme of application of the drug from the pressure Adelphan and Adelfan-Ezidreks completely coincides, the maximum permissible dose for adults is 2 tablets per day, but usually a patient is prescribed 1 tablet in the morning. The drug should be washed down with a small amount of water and not eat for half an hour after ingestion. With regular application it is possible to achieve a rapid reduction in blood pressure for a long time.

What is better to use at increased pressure - Adelfan or analogues?

In addition to Adelphan-Ezidrex, there are other analogues of the drug. Almost all of them also refer to combined sympatolics. Here is a list of medicines that are very popular among doctors:

All of them have those or other components of Adelfan in the composition, therefore, these agents can be attributed to the structural analogues of this drug. There are other pills that help fight hypertension in the initial stages:

Apo-Hydro and Dichlorothiazide are referred to as thiazide diuretics, they are quite effective. Tenorik, Tenoroks, Arifon and Ionik are thiazide-like diuretics. Lasix and Furosemide are loop diuretic drugs, well, Veroshpiron is a potassium-sparing diuretic. Thus, all these drugs contribute to lowering blood pressure by stimulating the diuretic function. As a consequence, they are contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the genitourinary system.

In general, the treatment of hypertension with diuretics has proved to be very good and effective, since this type of therapy gives relatively few side effects and has virtually no contraindications.