Allergic to the eye

Mucous membranes are very susceptible to allergens, and the eyes are no exception. Different substances easily come into contact with the tear fluid even through the air, which leads to irritation and reddening of the surrounding tissues.

Eye Allergy - Symptoms:

Allergies to the eyes require gentle treatment, since the use of local drugs can cause damage to the cornea and visual impairment.

Causes of the disease:

  1. Household dust. Usually, with this allergy, the eyes are very sore and watery. Among the signs are also noted tear and discomfort in the eyelid, soreness with their mobility.
  2. Wool, sweat, saliva of animals, feathers of birds, scales of reptiles. This cause of allergy causes reddening of the eyes, accompanied by sneezing and an obsessive rhinitis. Often occurs solely on a single species or breed of animals.
  3. Chemical volatile compounds. This factor affects people directly engaged in chemical or pharmaceutical production. Allergy manifests itself on the skin around the eyes in the form of small spherical rashes with a white head (milium) or reddish spots.
  4. Pollen of plants. The disease is seasonal and proceeds quite hard. If the eyes are swollen and aching - it is allergic to the flowering of some plant or grass, often, ambrosia. The disease is widespread because of poplar blooms.
  5. Medications. Hypersensitivity to certain medications, local or for oral administration, causes severe allergic reactions in the form of conjunctivitis and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye.
  6. Makeup. The allergy from cosmetics on eyes arises because of intolerance of components of means for a make up. Usually the cost of such cosmetics is low due to the use of poor quality raw materials. The primary signs of such an allergy are bags under the eyes and puffiness of the eyelids with local redness.
  7. Low temperature. Cold allergies on the eyes appear in the winter season and its obvious signs - tear and redness of the eyes when entering the street during frost. Sometimes it is accompanied by rhinitis and cold conjunctivitis.

Types of eye allergies

By the nature of the course of the disease, it can be either acute, with inflammatory processes, or chronic.

By the time of occurrence, the allergy is seasonal and year-round. In the latter case, the symptoms are expressed implicitly, but are present all the time.

For reasons of origin and factors provoking the main signs, the eye allergy is classified as follows:

Allergic to the eye - treatment:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the reactions by limiting eye contact with the allergen.
  2. Use antiallergic drops and ointments for the eyes - allergodyl, alomide, Ipheral, etc.
  3. In severe cases and complicated eye inflammation, apply hormonal drops with hydrocortisone and similar substances.
  4. Take antihistamines and special remedies for allergies before your eyes.
  5. When bacterial and purulent inflammation and conjunctivitis drip in the eyes of antibacterial fluids - tobabrax, dexa-gentamicin and the like.
  6. To conduct immunotherapy.